Tremontaine ‘Who Would You Be?’ Challenge

Oct 21, 2017 21:33

In the world of #Tremontaine, you can be anyone. Who will you be?

The new series can be found here

I’d be a scholar.

I wouldn’t want to be a brilliant swordswoman, as there’s too much chance of injury and pain. I’m not particularly fit and agile, and I don’t want to get hurt. What’s more, I don’t really want to have to kill someone.

I wouldn’t want to be a ship’s captain. It would be exciting to sail the seas, discovering new lands, but it wouldn’t be so glamorous to be throwing up all the time as I get sea sick.

I’d quite fancy life as a pampered noble, being waited on hand and foot, but at the same time would feel guilty about all those servants scurrying around to please every whim. What’s more, if I was unkind or didn’t trust them, I’d be worried about what might be in my evening chocolate.

I wouldn’t want to be a pickpocket, because aside from the basic dishonesty, I’m not very stealthy or cunning. I’d get caught, and probably get my hand chopped off or even end up dead in a ditch.

I could perhaps be a Riverside innkeeper, brewing beer, serving stew, renting rooms - but the hours would be long and late, and cleaning bloodstains off the floor after a duel would be a chore.

No, I’d be a scholar. I love learning, reading, discovering, and acquiring new knowledge.

I’d be a scholar, attend lectures during the day, read throughout the night, sleep when I could and drink copiously.

I’d study the sciences, the course of the sun, the phases of the moon, and the path of the stars.

I’d write essays, debate with my friends, argue with strangers, and study for examinations. I’d stay up late at night watching the stars and the changing face of the moon. I’d drink with my friends, eat tomato pie, and read, and study, and learn.

In the world of Tremontaine, I’d be a scholar.


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