Apr 29, 2005 00:10
ok kind of a kool day 2day
GOLDFINGER 2MORROW NIGHT BITCHES!not shure wut im doin afterwards but i hear thats gunna be fuckin sweet 2
saturday well i dont kno wut im doing saturday and im not shure i'll kno after i do it eather lol:)
2day was also madd kool becuse andy j billy joe and i went 2 tah mothereffing mall, billy told sum gurl that no she couldent have his fone number and when i asked him y he said yes she was in fact fukin hott but he didnt feel like it jus than, soon after we purchased fenwith the fish (f u billy thats what its gunna be called) fewith grew nipples not long after we paid 4 him and we got mad and went 2 complain at kb toys and i played the light up keybored 4 like 30 min while billy talked 2 tha chick and the 95 pound 30 yr old lady scared the shyt out of us so we didnt worry about our fish growing extra nipples and we decided that no store credit was not in fact neccisary we would keep fenwith and go on our way so then we saw jerra n her friend, we went outside the mall 4 a lil bit saw a bunch of more people we knew, we talked 4 a lil bit, blah blah blah after the mall we went 2 skate at kennnys dads wherhouse (this was after picking up kenny from work and no i dont care if i spelled wharehouse rong) that was effing sweet. after that we went 2 go buy kennys g/f ice cream and than we went 2 chill with sumore people and than i got home and created the koolest picture ever on my computer and than i effing messed it up but its kool im gunna do it again
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yes thats me drawing billy dropping off a forklift on2 a ramp held up by the forklift
yeah im fukin sleepy and wen i first wrote this enrty i put bouncy in as my mood but im not really all so bouncy nemore, i kinda got de-bounced and im kinda like a popped ballon now. kinda sux a lil
i dunno
realitys a bitch
im out