Yup, same old J....

May 05, 2009 17:54

Yeah, I know, same story.  Haven't posted in a while.  It's been a bit hectic lately with work and just life in general.  Nothing cataclysmic, thank God, just stuff, ya know?

I have to admit, I was a bit depressed after BSG was finished.  It was one of the few shows that I really enjoyed watching.  I loved the story lines, the actors and their superb acting and of course the great special effects.  I just wished it had caught on more with "main stream" viewers and went on for about another season or two.  Anyway, I guess I took a break from LJ for a while because I just couldn't look at all the BSG communities and not see anything new to look forward too :(

I've also been trying to get back on track with my weight loss efforts.  My best friend signed up to jillianmichaels.com and coerced convinced me to join.  The recipes on the website are different and it was something I didn't realize I was actually looking for.  It's only been about a week and a half but I have to say that this site actually taught me how to figure out the percentage of fats/carbs/protein I should be eating at each meal.  I've done WW for years and still go and I've kind of married the two together to plan my meals.  It's amazing, but I'm eating less carbs than before, feel better and actually stay satisfied longer.  Sure I have a meal or two where I might go a little out of my boundaries, but it's the best I've felt about my body in terms of food and working out in a long time :)
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