Since i haven't done anything updated yet...So here it goes...
1. New Icon- Yeah went to this.....
To Pimp myself out.... Go to Scott Pilgrim's movie website to do it :P...It's on FA to ;3
2. Jobs- Yes i am back on the market....Yay...or i should say Nay....It's going to be a tough market again for me and i am hoping i cam stick with it. So yeah... it's going to be a rough time finding jobs... I'll keep you all posted.
3. Schooling-Besides having the transcripts transferred over to UW-Madison...Yay...It makes me happy that has happen so yay. Now got to find a way to get 44 bucks and head right back to Madison to take care of the application fee.
4. Family-From the last time I called my mother...There doing great...of course since my sister's birthday is coming up...
zephyrofgod i don't know how to reach her except messanger or just email her...That's all i can do... I lost her number >.> yeah i know.....
5. Cons- So yeah it is officall... i am taking a big hiatus to concentrate on shit... even missing my con plans... cause well i am not going to the stupid route and go to cons....Cons are fun... you have to realize that yeah i am soon to be 25 and growing up... and i have to get started on my life... as in school... and get concentrate on stuff. *shrugs* So it will be a while if i get back in for cons....
6. STARCRAFT II- Has become my new addiction... seriously....*giggles*
But that's the update from me,
Later Jaxson