When last met, generation four FINALLY made an appearance with the birth of baby Violet to the family and Joy (above) tried to figure out how to be a mother. Tried being the operative word. The left over spares of Gen 3 still linger around, trying to survive long enough to get the hell out of the house and into the neighborhood (because it isn't big enough, right? - grow up and get out is our motto). The ghosts of Stephen and Crystal, our founders, moan and complain about being uprooted and generally are whiny bitches. The hyrdobot goes on a rampage, old folks get down in an open grave and Joy wonders if she somehow got pregnant again.
Now, you might be wondering, if our last post was 4.0, why are we on 4.2? Because I spared everyone from a
"spares" post over here, which you can go see if you so choose.
Joy: "Red? I've never seen red before..."
No no no no no no no no no. No.
Julian tries to be all friendly-like. Apparently Joy doesn't like creepy old men.
This look just screams "DIAF, Old Man" doesn't it?
Noooooooooooo! This is all Joy's fault!!!
The family mourns as the guest, Tybalt, stands about awkwardly.
And then Kendal goes crazy.
Mommy mommy mommy mommy mommy mommy mommy mommy mommy mommy mommy -- WHAT???
Aw, I guess that's cute.
But hating on your sister-in-law during feeding time is so uncool. I know, I know, "Grow up and get out".
Baby matrix moves!
Oh, no, just Violet growing to child, thus ending my "OHMYDFKL:JNSDRGOD I HATE TODDLER PHASE".
Welllllll, except for "bun in the oven", I guess she'd make an all right heir apparent.
Oh, you mean the day he was over and Grace's father died?! You mean THAT GREAT TIME?!?
Somehow six-of-six Jasmia grew up too and we barely noticed. Really hard being the youngest around here after a while, innit?
Oh hi, Crystal, how's it going... still upset there? Ok, thanks, just checking.
I don't know. I guess I thought it was cute. Plus plus.
Oh noes, babeeeeee!
It's a boy, Jeffery! NOW we got a competition going!
Kendal: "Why oh why must you have taken my husband and given her this thing??"
This does not bode well.
Aw, I heart Joshua as much as Violet does.
Squee! Hi Julian!
%R$#:HNWF! Ok, go away now, Julien.
Random shot of him haunting the house across the street (Sophia's actually, you go right ahead and do that, old man).
Kendal continues with the crazy.
Jeffery grows up!
And stinky boy resists all forms of torture, including poddy training.
Pretty, but please don't burn down my house.
Kendal: "Huh? What? Something for me?"
"What's that for? I didn't order an hourglass..."
"What, wait, nooooooo!"
Death: "Back off, bitch, it's mine!"
"Now GTF OUT!"
And then I realize -- not only did she not fulfill her LTW of marrying off six children BUT she stuck ME with the six children! Grrrr.
My consolation is YAY Kendal is dead!
Awwwww, that's not good (if you can see the -5,000 aspiration points for baby Jeffery).
Aw, now that's just sad.
Joy, the awesome burglar she is, brings home pizza for her starving family.
And ohhhhh crap.
Aw, don't be sad, Joshie. I'm sure your children will be darling.
The cat grows up. I forget it's name. I forget it's gender too. They wanted a cat so they got it, it wasn't my idea.
And the cat promptly gets into the drugs.
Well, that's one way to keep more babies from coming, I guess.
No, killing yourself is not allowed!
LOL, you can only laugh at that.
*fears this*
And finally, Gracie grows up and moves out to college.
Next installment, right
this way.
Past Generations...
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1.2 /
1.3 /
1.4 2.1 /
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2.4 /
2.5 /
2.6 /
2.7 3.0 /
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3.8 4.0 /