Castor got a make-over, again. Somehow I just can't find the right look for him.
Anyway, when last we met, Antonella was spewing in the toilet. Fast forward to...
Green houses are the new bathroom when births are called for.
Amid the barren plot, Connor Nova takes his first breath. Maybe he'll grow up with a green thumb.
Antonella adopts a cat too. Why not? The house isn't crazy enough yet, right? This one is Sake, which I thought was a really cute name.
Connor explodes in a shower of sparkles. And dressed up for the occasion too!
A quick haircut suits him much better than the first one.
Did I mention they got a second cat too?
You can see how well they're getting along, can't you?
Castor, of course, never plays favorites, as you can see.
The victor was the other cat they had, Kobe. Again, another cool name. I just wish they got along more but all they seem to do it jump each other. It's so bad that I've contemplated giving one away but so far we're dealing.
We leave with a cute, if somewhat indecipherable, picture of Connor playing in a pile of leaves.
I apologize for the crazy lack of pictures when compared to the other families. House Nova bores me something awful so it's really about getting through the house as quick as possible. Hopefully Connor will spice things up a bit!
Points: Yes! Another for the baby so that's 27 now!