Jun 19, 2007 23:44
you've caught me on a very special day(well, not exactly special, but momentus). i was in dance today, i take lyrical and jazz, i was in jazz and i realized something while changing into my costume- that I'm bi-sexual. sure, i have been told plenty of times by various people that they believe that i am bi, yet for many months i pushed aside the notion of being bi because of the fact that my family wouldn't except me. But, IVE COME TO THE CONCLUSION AND HAVE GROWN enough AS A PERSON TO BE ABLE TO SAY FUCK IT TO ALL U HATERS AND MY PARENTS. ONLY, I WONT TELL THEM THAT though. ill keep my mouth shut about being bi to my parents and hope that they never find out. of course they will eventually, if i ever end up bringing a girl home, but whatever. it only took me to sit in a room with a bunch of naked girls to recognize this. although technically your not bi or lesbian until you have sex with a girl, i think id like it a lot. wait, i am having an intense thought- if your not bi until u have sex with your sex, then how do i know that your straight? I'm a virgin.