Jdrama rec list!!

Jul 20, 2010 22:09

It's been a while.

I'm on a semi vacation right now. See, I managed to survive my last semester of school (my grades aren't up in the system yet, but I'm hopeful it's only because my teacher is now director of the school and has less time to read all the papers we gave him at the last minute), and at the same time, I more or less delivered all the stuff I had pending urgently for work, and because I had worked a LOT of extra hours, I got myself a week vacation!

My enjoyment is less, though, because added to all that a false tooth I have finally gave in two weeks ago, and I have to replace it for one better and more permanent. So the free week is to go to the dentist, suffer like I always do every time I go to one, and not do anything else while my mouth is not presentable. Yeah, not fun.

But hey, I can still read some of the books I haven't read all year, watch lots and lots of dramas and tv in general, and read fic until my eyes drops without having to wake up early the next day! My kind of vacation!

Plus, the news of NEWS having dome concert in a few months made my MONTH, so I'm happy even if I'm stuck at home :D

AND, because I'm such a loser and have nothing better to do (I already clean my room like I do every end of semester), I FINALLY have ready the drama rec list I promise to do forever ago!

But of course, because I can't just rate between "awesome" and "gods, no!" I also added other variables, like giving a point if the drama has a good cast or a good soundtrack, so even if I say the drama was "so-so", maybe because the ending was particularly good, you'll give it a chance and watch it? I mean, I can't just say which drama is good and which isn't just because, not all of us have the same taste, even if I would LOVE for more people to like the same things I do, maybe then they would get more popular! XD

Anyway, the list is behind the cut.

OK, so at this point, I've finish watching (or I'm an episode away from finishing) 72 Japanese dramas. The list below has all of them and their year or airing (I'm crazy, but not enough to list the tv stations as well :P)

Then we have genre,
F = family themed (parents and children, sibling love)
S = school related (teen angst, teachers that care...)
W = work stuff (motivational work stories, from salary men to doctors)
P = police and detective dramas (a mystery to solve)
L = Love and friendship (and all that jazz)
O = other (all of those I don't know where to put)

And then my personal rating, between one star (lousy) and five start (damn awesome). Those with three stars are those I can't complain about but didn't have enough charm to win me over.

To add information, the table indicates if I think the drama had a a good soundtrack (usually a good theme song more than the complete OST), a worth mentioning cast (those dramas where you can tell they had a lot of team work), good directional work (interesting camera work and editing, on occasion beautiful photography), and if I consider the premise (something between the original idea being attractive and a good first episode), the development (plot-wise in general for the whole drama and/or episode by episode) and the ending (satisfying and/or surprising) any good. If some of the categories have a black spot, is because that aspect of the drama I consider it so bad is worth mentioning too.

Then, we have the dramas I couldn't finish watching. Some of them just weren't charming enough at the time I tried watching them but maybe I'll try again sometime in the future, others I barely could stand watching an episode or two, uff.

I was gonna put the list of dramas I'm still watching or I'm about to, but the things gets too long and I'm sure this is already too much work for anyone to care, but hey, I said I was gonna do it, and I did! YAY! Now if you need more info in any of those dramas, I'm happy to deliver ^o^

Now I'll go and do something useful to compensate the time used to made the freaky list!

work, studies, dramas

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