Long Weekend

Jul 06, 2008 19:38

We've had a lonnngggg weekend. One of those weekends where The Hubby takes extra days off and plans a huge project for all of us to work on. Yes...one of those relaxing, long weekends.

The project was re-mulching our yard beds with wood-chip mulch. Fifteen cubic yards of mulch. You don't have to do the math---it's the amount of mulch that once it's delivered to your driveway (by a dump truck), the pile is so big you can't get your cars out of the garage.

I'm not complaining; the yard looks beautiful once more and hopefully the thistly weeds will be discouraged and stay away. My back is complaining, though.

We had a 4th of July parade in which The Eldest marched with his middle school band. I'm such a sucker for small town Americana I couldn't resist taking a few pictures:

The highlight was the passing out of free icecream:

Lot's of local politicians in old (and new) vehicles:


Circus performers???

I did manage to sneak in a little sketching, including a rough idea for the new part_of_him challenge. When I really should have been doing some "real life" sketches that I've started on I was instead playing with my new Micron ink pens:

Inspired by a wood-cut illustration in The Junior Classics, "Hero Tales".

Hope everyone's had a great weekend!

gardening, home, art

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