I wish I wasn’t the one that guys came to talk to about what they should do to get the specific girl they want. They ask me if they should bring them flowers and tell me that she makes them nervous and how they hope everything works out ok even though they don’t like the same kinds of things. It makes me want to kill because I want that so bad. I want a guy who would ask me to hang out with just him, I want a guy to say bless you when I sneeze and to run up to me and kiss me in front of everyone and give me cute nervous smiles. I have come to the conclusion that boys are completely oblivious to everything. Or maybe it’s just the ones I talk to.
I forgot how much it sucks to be single. The hassle of trying to run around and find a date for dances. I can never find a date for dances, not that it’s a huge thing just that everyone has a certain someone to go with and no one wants to just go and dance and have fun with me. Not even my Asian lover Claire can go. IF ANYONE WANTS TO GO AT ALL JUST TELL ME. I WILL PAY FOR THE TICKETS AND EVERYTHING.
I just don’t want to be the one in the corner with all the chairs counting the minutes till it’s over.
I want to be there with someone fun.
Anyone fun.
i apologize.
i didn't realize that i wasn't allowed to talk to people over the bridge anymore without consulting you first.
next time i'll ask your permission.