Stop - Chapter Three Proof of Love

Feb 05, 2008 08:40

Title: Stop, Chapter 3, Proof of Love
Author: jaune_chat
Fandom: Sky High
Characters/Pairing: Warren/Will
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 5,601
Spoilers: All of the film
Warnings: Slash
Disclaimer: Sky High is owned by Disney. I make no money.
Notes: This was the first story where I attempted to do an actual romantic relationship. With boys. I’m sorta working without a net, so lemme know if anything can make this better!
Summary: Warren needs to make absolutely sure Will understands something.

Breakfast had been very interesting, as far as Will was concerned. It mostly had to do with the fact that Warren was strolling around the kitchen in the buff, he supposed. The curtains were firmly closed and the blinds were down, but it still gave him a faint thrill of fear to think the neighbors might be able to see them.

Warren was no cook, but there were plenty of things that could be made with the microwave or toaster, and the two of them decimated instant hot cereal and toaster pastries with single-minded determination.

“Got a horribly boring and unsexy question for you,” Warren said around a mouthful of oatmeal. Will shrugged, polishing off another Pop Tart.

“You have any homework due on Monday? ‘Cause if you don’t get it done, using me as an excuse isn’t going to fly,” he said.

“Oh… erm… uh…”

“I thought so. History report?”

“Yeah, um, Golden Age Supers,” Will confessed, looking down at his plate. He felt horribly disappointed, almost cheated, though that wasn’t making much of a difference to his body. Will had been hiding a very urgent erection under the kitchen table for the last ten minutes, in anticipation of further fun with his boyfriend. Their romp this morning had put a fine point on his already sharp desire for more of Warren. Last night had really been something…

“So? Go get it, tell your parents I’m going to help you with it and then stay over to watch movies or something. You said you didn’t want to go around telling everyone, so let’s not get sloppy the first day,” Warren pointed out logically.

Will bit his lip a little, terribly distracted by Warren’s mouth. It really wasn’t fair; Warren was so sexy just sitting their talking (and naked) that Will couldn’t figure out a way to object very coherently.

“Yeah, I guess that’s… smart. But couldn’t we do it tomorrow?” he asked in a rush.

“What, you got a problem you need help with?” Warren asked, almost leering at him. All of Will’s blood abruptly flooded to his groin, and he lost his powers of coherent speech. He just nodded vaguely.

He supposed he should be somehow a little freaked out at how easily he had accepted this, at how easy it was to let Warren turn him on like flicking a switch. At how so very comfortable, very… wanted, and very, very horny he felt when Warren said things like that… He should, really. But Will didn’t think so well when all of his blood had migrated south.

“Why didn’t you say so?” Warren said, grinning casually as he stood up.

Will could only stare at him as he walked around to Will’s side of the table. In the full light of day, Warren was like a living sculpture carved of bronze. There was not a hair on his body, and it was blindingly clear that he was just as aroused at Will. Will found his eyes riveted to Warren’s cock, jutting out proudly from his exquisitely muscled groin, and felt himself blushing when Warren stopped right next to him. That put Warren’s cock just below mouth-level…

Will felt himself blushing even harder. He hadn’t known he was so prone to blushing until now. He was staring; he knew it, a blank expression on his red face, feeling the heat from Warren’s body on his naked skin. Warren hadn’t touched him, hadn’t made a single move or said a word; he had just kept still, seeming to read Will’s thoughts.

“What do you want to do Stronghold?” he asked, his voice rough and deep. Will could feel Warren’s voice inside him almost, but he couldn’t bring himself to say anything. How could he, when he wasn’t sure what he himself was feeling yet?

Will had been totally amazed when Warren had gone down on him last night, and he wondered if Warren wanted the same from him. How could he though? Will had no experience whatsoever with giving head! Layla and him hadn’t done anything much but kissing and a little mutual feeling up through clothes.

Warren simply waited, not moving, his cock twitching ever so slightly, while Will just stared and breathed. He wanted to touch it, maybe even to try a little of what he had been doing to Warren’s fingers this morning. This is dumb, Will thought, I let him… do me. In the ass. I wanted him to do it. I liked it. This shouldn’t be so hard.

But he could only breathe and stare.

“Not ready?” Warren asked softly after several long minutes, and Will finally nodded slowly. “Ok.” Warren slowly sank down on his heels and stared Will in the face for several long minutes, reaching up with one hand to rest his fingertips against the back of his neck. Will shivered a bit, goosebumps rising up on his skin.

“I think if I let you out of the house like this you’re not going to get two blocks before running into something and breaking it,” Warren said softly, his hands beginning to stroke lightly down Will’s neck. “Don’t break the chair. Or the table.”

Wha… Will thought, as Warren shoved the chair back away from the table. Will’s impressive erection bobbed at the movement before Warren captured it in his mouth, sucking hard. Will stopped himself at the last second before gripping the chair for leverage, or Warren’s head, and clenched his fists hard, holding them rigidly at his sides. The sudden intense assault had Will gone in a second, filling Warren’s mouth and throat with creamy spunk.

Warren swallowed again and again before removing his lips from Will’s still-hard cock, tickling the tip with his tongue before pulling away entirely.

“Three times already this morning. Impressive,” Warren said, licking his lips slightly. Will blinked stupidly; bloodflow had yet to return to his brain. “Let’s try an experiment.”


“You’ll like it,” Warren said insistently, standing up and tugging Will to his feet. Bemused, Will didn’t protest when Warren pulled him into a large bathroom and began to fill the tub with hot water. He couldn’t protest thirty seconds later when Warren had him laid out on his lap on the edge of the tub and was stroking Will’s cock.

Will lost track of time, space, and all meaning, his eyes rolling open and closed involuntarily, his limbs heavy as lead, his body limp (aside from one area) in Warren’s arms. Moaning and gasping, he found himself cumming again and again, his balls tight and heavy, his skin doubly sensitive to every single caress. Sometimes Warren would prop him up and kiss him fiercely, and Will would find himself sinking further and further into an abyss of pleasure.

A few times Warren would let his hand flare with fire, and Will would scream at the intense sensations. Other times he felt he was floating in the water, with Warren’s hands stroking him all over. The last few times he felt Warren’s mouth on his cock again, that hot tongue tracing every vein and crevice, and he was gone sooner than ever.

The pleasure had almost become agonizing when he felt Warren’s hands stroking down his ass, and wantonly he spread his knees as far as they would go. Will was nothing but a bundle of hungry nerve endings at this point, and Warren could have asked him to do anything and he would have done it. Feeling Warren stretch him from the inside as he pushed into Will’s body, the insane heat invading his blood, his cock rising slowly again in appreciation, was the only thing he wanted right now.

The fast thrusts had him moaning Warren’s name, and the hard stabs against his prostate had him nearly insensate with everything else he’d done this morning. Blackness pulled at his vision as a final orgasm boiled up with agonizing slowness, the now-familiar and welcome sensation of Warren within him drawing it out, making him scream, as he followed Warren’s pleasure with his own into unconsciousness.


Some indeterminate amount of time later, Will woke up, ravenously hungry and smelling pizza. Blinking a little and sitting up, he realized several things. He was slightly wet. He was more-or-less clothed. And he was in Warren’s room on the bed. Warren himself was sitting at his desk, a pizza box beside him, typing away on the computer. From the light outside, it was mid afternoon.

“Uh… did I pass out?” Will asked after a second, running his hand through his wet hair. He guessed Warren had cleaned him up after that insane session in the bathroom, but he didn’t remember that too clearly. Or at least not consciously. His body was shivering pleasantly in remembrance though.

“Yup,” Warren said, closing his laptop and throwing an unopened pizza box at Will, grinning widely. Will hadn’t realized how hungry he was until he caught it, and had decimated the large pizza inside in less than five minutes.

“Eight times,” he commented.

“Eight times… what?” Will asked, grabbing the two-liter of cola Warren handed him and polishing it off.

“You came eight times. In a row. I’ve been with girls who couldn’t do that,” Warren said with admiration and a touch of awe.

Will stared at him, not quite sure how to answer that. He’d had some idea of what his super strength and endurance could mean sexually, but he’d never actually tested it to the limit. The few tips his dad had given him, that he hadn’t been too embarrassed to hear, hadn’t mentioned the super-fast recovery. Will had figured that out on his own when his self-play sessions had gone from one good cum to four or five after he’d gotten his powers.

It hadn’t been the cumming that had bothered him about Warren’s comment; it was the mention of girls. Girls plural. Will knew, intellectually, that Warren had gone out with a whole lot of people, guys and girls. He went through boyfriends and girlfriends very quickly. But he had always been a touch cool to them, in a way that he’d never been to Will. It was pretty clear that what Warren saw in Will was a lot more than he’d ever seen in anyone else. However, the thought that Warren had been with other people made him suddenly… jealous.

“What other girls?” Will asked, before he could stop himself. It was dumb; Warren didn’t owe him an explanation for anything. Will wasn’t going to start acting like some jealous, possessive girl! Or guy. Really. He wasn’t. But he could stop himself from asking. Warren stood up gracefully and crossed to the end of the bed.

“I don’t kiss and tell, Stronghold,” he said firmly. “You’re the only person in my life right now.”

It was on the tip of Will’s tongue to say, “Right now?” in kind of snappy tone, but he stopped himself that time. He wasn’t that dumb. It would be really, really, really stupid to say, and Will had begun to learn the art of self-censoring after Layla had pointed it out to him. Besides, Warren’s dating record prior to him had been about a week and a half. Will had been with him two weeks.

“Really,” Warren said more forcefully. “I only want you, ok? What, are you jealous?”

“Well- I- yeah…” Will said, answering before he could employ that so-useful self-censoring.

“Don’t be. Everyone else, they threw themselves at me so hard I had to pry them off with a crowbar. I chose you,” Warren said, his voice low and a little hesitant.

“Why?” Will asked, intrigued. Though he didn’t have the whole laundry list of people Warren had been with, he did remember the constantly changing parade that hung around Warren’s locker. A lot of them had been total knockouts, some were a lot smarter or wittier than Will, and most were simply a lot more cool. What did Will have that they hadn’t? It couldn’t just be his “nice personality.” Warren furrowed his brow as he tried to explain.

“If you hadn’t figured things out with Layla after a whole year, then I figured something was wrong,” he said slowly. “Trust me, if you guys really had the hots for each other, you would have figured out some way to take it farther than you did.”

Will blushed a bit at that. He’d thought some of the other kids at school had been exaggerating when they had boasted about what they had done with their boyfriends or girlfriends. He’d thought Zack and Magenta were just joking around when they had alluded to some things around the lunch table. Apparently it hadn’t all been posturing.

“And I liked you,” Warren was saying. “I mean, first as a friend. You know me. You aren’t trying to just be a badass. That’s what most of them were trying to do. I thought… I’d give it a try, see if you liked it.”

He trailed off into silence for a moment and then took a deep breath.

“You’re good. You’re good and you still want me. Ok?”

Will suddenly forced himself to relax. Warren was not given to lies or exaggeration. Will had some reasons to be a bit wary, considering what had happened with Gwen. But he would have to be completely insane to do anything to push away a guy that could make him pass out from sex. Especially not now, when Warren had been so open with him. Warren wasn’t open with anyone.

He’d talked with Warren a few times about why they’d decided to become superheroes. For Will it was practically inevitable; family tradition combined with how he’d been raised and his powers… and he just wanted to. He liked the idea of being able to save people. For Warren, it was that he wanted to be a good superhero to balance all the harm his father had done before he’d been jailed. Warren had very strong ideas about “good” and “evil,” and Will knew Warren was scared he’d end up like his dad someday.

So… if I’m still willing to go out with him, he knows he hasn’t gone around the bend yet.

And Will was cool with that.

“Ok,” Will said and smiled. Warren relaxed in return, and grabbed something from the desk.

“Got your report notes,” he said, tossing them at his boyfriend. Will made a face, but started to look them over anyway. “I called your parents and told them you were staying over, and then I went and got your homework. It’s a damn good thing your dad was out of town, because your mom gave me the third degree. Both of them together would have given me the sixth”

Will had the grace to look embarrassed. He’d been a little vague when he’d told her why he was going to Warren’s house, and undoubtedly Mom had tried to extract the truth from Warren with pliers.

“Sorry,” Will mumbled, taking the notebook and scribbling down a few more things from his outline. The report was mostly done; he just needed to type it up…

“Don’t worry about it. Look, use my computer, type that up, I have to go do a few things,” Warren said with a hint of over-casualness, and strolled out. Will quickly quashed any thoughts he might have, because if he let his imagination run away with himself again, he’d end up on the bed beating himself off and he’d never get his report done.

Setting his nose to the grindstone, Will determinedly slogged through the report, quietly blessing the fact that he’d looked through those old scrapbooks of his grandfather’s a few nights ago. The history teacher expected a lot from Will, considering he was a third-generation super. With a sigh, an hour later Will printed off the report and gathered it up, stuffing it into a folder. This was not how he wanted to spend his weekend.

“Stronghold,” Warren said from the doorway, startling him. He started to turn, when Warren commanded, “Don’t move.”

He froze, and heard Warren walking up behind him barefoot, his footsteps almost silent. There was a whisper of cloth, and Will found himself blindfolded with something soft and cool, the faint heat of Warren’s body radiating into him as he tied the blindfold firmly behind Will’s head.

“Do you trust me?” Warren whispered. Will nodded slowly, his heartrate starting to climb. “I’ve had dozens of boyfriends and girlfriends. I didn’t love them. I love you.”

Will’s breath caught as Warren tugged him upright.

“I trust you,” Warren rumbled in his ear. “So just relax.”

Slowly Warren began to slip off Will’s clothes, easing off his jacket, sliding his shirt over his head, pulling off his jeans, tugging his briefs free. Will stood there passively, flushing with desire, letting Warren take command. He knew Warren was trustworthy; what had happened earlier, that was just… jitters. This was just all so new. But he knew this was going to be good, and felt himself harden again at the thought. I think I’m going to set a world record… Will thought with almost hysterical amusement.

“Eagar, aren’t you?” Warren whispered, his breath touching Will’s cock.

Almost whimpering, Will found himself thrusting his hips involuntarily forward towards that sexy mouth. He felt Warren stand up next to him, and bit his lip to stave off disappointment. Those hot hands began to touch him, red hot and feather-light, gliding down his neck, tracing over each of his muscles, smoothing over his ass, and massaging down his legs. His proud cock remained unsatisfied, but Will was enjoying everything else too much to be bothered. With his eyes covered, every touch seemed doubly intense.

“I only want you,” Warren murmured behind him, his hands sweeping up over Will’s shoulders and down onto his chest, flicking delicately over his nipples. Will relaxed against Warren, tension draining from him. Warren, he realized very quickly, was entirely naked. Again.

“You’re amazing,” Warren whispered, his voice at Will’s right ear, his tongue flickering out to trace its rim.

“I…” Will trailed off, arcing backwards. He wanted to see Warren, to tell him to his face how good this felt, but he felt that was somehow against the nebulous rules.

“I want to fly,” Warren breathed. It was all Will could do to not go breaking through the roof at top speed. Last night had been an amazing culmination of heat and passion, waking up had been a sexy surprise, and this morning… had been a mind-melting experience on par with diving into an exploding volcano. And right now, being blindfolded and asking to trust, being told he was trusted, was something else all together. He felt vulnerable and protected and wanted, and that was all making him very hard.

“Step forward,” Warren said, and Will complied, slowly moving with each command until Warren had him in front of the window. It had been just barely dusk when he had finished his report, and he knew it was still light outside. With his eyes covered, he wouldn’t be able to fly as fast, and there was no way of knowing if someone was watching them.

“Do you trust me?” Warren whispered again, his hands locking around Will’s shoulder and waist, pressing himself flush against Will’s body. Will groaned deep in his chest; Warren was hot and hard and just felt so damned good…

“Yes,” Will breathed, his attention now focused on his boyfriend rather than who might see them. Which was probably the point.

“Open the window.”

Will reached out in front of him blindly, fumbled for the latch, and opened it quickly.

“Fly out, and then up, fast.”

Nothing loathe, Will felt his way outside, the familiar weightless sensation of flying tickling his stomach, and then threw himself up into the air, the wind streaming past his face, his skin being lashed by Warren’s long hair.

“Hold onto my arm!” Warren called. Will clutched Warren’s arm around his chest as the other freed itself for an unguessable errand. “Slow, go slow, slow down… stop.”

Will slowed down carefully, having a vague idea of how high they were, but he still couldn’t see a thing. He really hoped Warren hadn’t taken them into a sky traffic pattern, because getting sucked into a jet engine would really ruin the mood.

Will jumped in the air when Warren latched onto his neck with hungry lips, sucking hard and fast. Warren was amazingly warm against his skin, a tantalizing contrast to the cool air near the clouds. Will groaned as he felt Warren’s muscled chest hard against his back, but Warren was teasingly keeping everything else from touching, making Will focus on his lips.

Not that Will minded.

Will clutched at Warren’s arm, not too hard, and felt his cock get harder and harder at each hard suck, soft nibble, teasing bite, and stroke of the tongue. He could feel himself beginning to waver in the air and began to shudder, his orgasm approaching with terrible slowness; building up to an explosion he knew was going to totally drain him.

“What do you want Will?” Warren breathed, his mouth going to Will’s ear, tracing around it with his tongue. Will’s breath was coming fast now, and Warren’s words made his skin tingle and begin to sweat. His ass suddenly felt achingly empty, and even though it made him blush in embarrassment, he needed Warren to fill him up. It was just so easy to let him make him feel good…

“In me,” Will breathed.

“Lean forward,” Warren commanded, and Will slowly eased himself horizontal in the air. A hot caress, slick with lube (where the hell had Warren been keeping that during the flight?) traced up his inner thigh, first one, than the other, and Will spread himself out wide in half-conscious response. He was so hard now, he felt like his skin was straining to hold him in.

“So easy,” Warren whispered sexily, his voice low and rumbling, and Will could feel the vibrations in Warren’s chest through his skin. Whimpering, he arched his back and presented his ass, not caring how wanton it looked.

“Want you,” Will said, and shivered again when Warren moved his hand up to his balls, stroking them very lightly, just a feather-like touch. Moaning, he hissed sharply when Warren’s hand traced right behind them, pinched slightly, and then quickly jammed a slick finger in his ass. Gasping through his teeth, Will forced himself not to buck and throw Warren off, because it would be a long way down. And if Warren stopped what he was doing right now, Will would just die.

“What do you want?” Warren asked, his tone more demanding, as he twisted his first finger, and then his second, in Will’s ass.

“You!” Will cried, tossing his head back, blessing and cursing the blindfold that kept him so focused on Warren’s touch that his whole world was reduced to Warren’s hands, Warren’s body.

“What do you want?” Warren asked again, his voice more coaxing. “Let go of my arm.” Will obeyed, realizing after a second that Warren was now no way secured from falling if Will lost control.

“Warren, you-.”

“I trust you,” Warren said again, curling his fingers slightly, and Will shuddered, pressing back as Warren pushed in a third finger. He froze and gave a short, high-pitched scream when Warren hit exactly the right place, using every ounce of control he hand to not cum, to not drop from the sky, to not roll and accidentally let Warren fall. When Will froze, Warren relaxed himself a little, and Will felt Warren’s own cock, intensely hot, shoved against one of his thighs.

Oh God, oh God, oh God, Will chanted mentally.

“What do you want?” Warren asked a fourth time, his voice dropping to a low rumble, his fingers stilling.

“In me, please!” Will cried, control breaking, voice cracking. Warren’s hand left him, and slowly Will felt the hot tip of Warren’s cock just barely inside him. He wanted to curse and scream, wondering if Warren would make him beg for it.

A small part of him wondered if it might be more fun that way. Surely he’d never so hard before, so tight. His pleasure was spiraling higher and higher, and he knew, when Warren let him go, he’d be flying in a whole new way.

Warren’s hands tightened on his shoulders, and Will could feel Warren’s hair brush his cheek as he went to whisper in his ear.

“Love you.” And then he slammed in hard, in one swift, fluid motion, right up to the hilt. Will screamed soundlessly, his body jerking and tightening around Warren, not wanting to let him go. Warren wouldn’t leave it there though, and eased out again, careful and slow. Will couldn’t stand it.

“Warren, harder please,” he asked, his voice wavering, and gasped when Warren’s hips moved sharply.

“You like that?” Warren demanded, his breath hot on Will’s ear.

“Yeah… harder.”

“So hot,” Warren murmured. His muscular arms wound around Will’s shoulders and his hands clasped behind Will’s neck in some kind of wrestling hold, and Warren’s legs twined with his own to give him the leverage he needed. Then Will could barely think at all as Warren’s body began to pound into him. He could feel every muscle in Warren’s frame, pressed so close against him, driving Will to a peak of perfection.

Will was gasping, sucking air in and in, so very close he wanted to scream.

“Stroke yourself, I want to see you,” Warren ordered in Will’s ear in a panting voice. Will’s hand was around his own cock before he’d had a chance to think about it, gripping and stroking with Warren’s hard thrusts.

“Cum with me,” Warren breathed, his voice cut off as Will felt him thrust in hard enough to make him see stars behind his eyes. Pulses of hot semen filled him, and Will had a mind-numbing explosion of pleasure as his cock leapt in his hand, his balls tight, cumming so hard he felt like he had just turned himself inside out. All his strength left him in long, agonizing moments of pure bliss. It was all Will could do to stay aloft.

Fire tickled the back of his neck as Warren lost control, clamped so hard to Will’s ass that he couldn’t let go, and Will could feel himself tighten on Warren inside him. Warren was gasping out words in Mandarin, endearments or curses, Will couldn’t tell, but since Warren wouldn’t let him go, he figured it was something good. Shaking in the air, clutching the clouds for support, Will and Warren’s bodies shuddered through an orgasm so intense it had left them nearly blind.

“Oh God,” Warren whispered finally, his body finally starting to relax. “God, you are so fucking good.”

Will smiled behind the blindfold, supremely contented. Then again, the way he was feeling, Warren could have recited a nursery rhyme and he would have smiled. Right now, everything was very, very good.


I think I sprained something, Warren though tiredly, standing in the bathroom and dragging a comb through his drying hair. He looked in on Will, asleep on his bed with a huge smile on his face and decided it had been worth it though. He didn’t know when they’d get a chance to do this again.

Joy Peace was often away on her missions as Peacemaker, but she didn’t like to leave Warren alone for more than three days at a time. She’d sworn to him that she wouldn’t miss his growing up, no matter what. He’d tried to tell her that he wasn’t in anything she’d miss. He wasn’t in band or orchestra or choir, so she wasn’t missing any concerts. He wasn’t in Debate or Drama club, or on any sports teams, or on the school newspaper staff. He wasn’t a member of student government, and didn’t volunteer anywhere.

He had his job at the Paper Lantern, and spent his free time either studying for school, working out, or at the skate park. He didn’t get into trouble; the only time he’d ever been in detention had been last year after his fight with Will. It wasn’t like Mom would be missing much if she stayed away. But she kept coming back anyway. And Warren wouldn’t admit it, but he enjoyed the fact that she always knew what was going on.

She wouldn’t mind that he was seeing Will. She’d probably be happy about, actually. All of Warren’s previous flings she had only tolerated, because she knew he didn’t love them and that he was always up front with them about what he wanted. Though she wouldn’t let him take his dates home very often, she’d made sure he was practicing safe sex and just told him she was available if he ever had anything he wanted to talk about. It was the blessing and curse of having a mother who could sense and project emotion; he couldn’t hide anything from her.

But she’d figured out he’d fallen in love. He’d seen it in her face before he’d acknowledged it to himself, he realized, thinking back on it. Actually… she might have purposefully absented herself for the weekend to give him room to make his move.

Maybe she’d talk to Will’s dad for us, he thought wryly. That was music he’d rather not face, though he’d have to do it eventually. Mom wouldn’t let him take the easy road, but maybe she’d smooth the way a little, if he asked.

Warren stood in the doorway of the bathroom, watching Will sleep as he considered. He was thinking about it now; talking to Will’s parents, telling them he wanted to spend the rest of his life with their son, that he would want to get married even and make an honest man out of him. Laws were changing all the time; there was a new bill in the state legislature coming up soon about gay marriage. Might not be a bad debate subject for the student government. Maybe I’ll talk to Ethan about it.

He rubbed a hand along the back of his neck, thinking. I’m so far gone, it’s not even funny, he realized. It was a quirk of his fiery nature, the blazing passion that could consume everything in its path. With his previous partners, it had flared up brilliantly, but was gone in a flash, like magnesium powder. With Will, it was like a roaring furnace, hot and intense, but infinitely sustainable.

Warren had a lot of experience with sex. He’d done a very wide variety of kinks just for kicks, and there wasn’t much that could surprise him in the bedroom. That was part of the reason he’d gone through his boyfriends and girlfriends so quickly; he’d gotten bored.

Will hadn’t bored him. It hadn’t bothered him to go slow, just kissing and bare touching for longer than he’d had sex with anyone else. It hadn’t bothered him to have to show Will the ropes. And he’d never had such an enthusiastic partner before in his life. Cumming with Will was like cumming two or three times normally. That’s why he’d done that “experiment” this morning; if he hadn’t he would have collapsed with exhaustion before noon. It hadn’t mattered that Will was willing to let him take charge. As a matter of fact, he found it a lot more preferable to the pushiness of some of the other people he’d been with.

That was part of the reason he’d pulled out all the stops. And everything else, his mind commented wryly. He didn’t want Will to forget this when he went back to school. He wanted to brand himself into Will’s mind, to seer every sensation so deep into him that he’d never want to leave him. Will had said he was jealous of Warren’s previous partners. Well, Warren was jealous too; of anyone that would come between him and Will.

He didn’t want Will to be overcome by another pretty face or hot body. That was the reason he had actually spilled his guts to him. Warren just didn’t do that for anyone but his mom. And now Will. He didn’t want to lose Will when he’d just found him. Will hadn’t told him he loved him yet, and jealously, Warren didn’t want to give him the chance to think otherwise.

He’d once heard Magenta quip to Zack that, “It could be that the only purpose of your life is to serve as an example to others.” Warren felt that quote was extremely apt here. It could be that the seemingly endless series of sexually interesting but emotionally empty relationships had only served to give him the knowledge he’d need to keep Will happy with him.

Warren didn’t know how things were going to go at school. He’d never been good with personal space issues, either defending his territory viciously or using his intimidating aspect to break other people’s space to get them to back off. Neither was particularly conductive to romance. He wasn’t sure what the happy medium was for someone he truly liked and loved. Too close and he’d be going against Will’s wishes. Too far and he wouldn’t be satisfied; then he’d get in a bad temper and burn something.

Crap, things were so much easier when I wasn’t in love.

Yeah, he agreed with himself. But I don’t care. I’m not going to give him up; I’ll do whatever it takes.


Stop Chapter 2: Morning After
Stop Chapter 4: Rocking the Boat

sky high, fic, warren/will, warren peace, slash, will stronghold

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