Work Update

Mar 18, 2009 16:42

I've been fairly quiet on LJ lately, but there's a lot going on. Here's a bit of an update on the main stuff that's underway:

The 2009 book is logistically the biggest project I've worked on and it needs constant tending, but it's coming along well. Most of the artists are producing pages and I even have the cover underway before the last minute, for the first time in history.  This is also logistically the biggest project I have put together. Don't have a final pagecount yet, but it's going to be in the 70-90 page range. I'm not sure what to call this one, since it combines what was going to be the #3 and #4 issues (and then some) and I'm changing the format. Perhaps it will get a subtitle instead of a number. Not sure if this is it for Kagemono or not, but if it does continue it will be come an annual book.

Should ramp this up in a month or so, once Nic finishes his obligations for Kagemono.

I'm going through the last issue fixing problems in the pencils. At this point I've rethought and redrawn two entire pages and there's probably one more that needs similar treatment. I'm still way ahead of the inker, so I don't feel like I'm farting around too much. After 3 years I am quite keen to get the bloody thing out.

Pencils for my story are finished, Cory Laub will do the inks. Renan just needs to put the greywashes on his triptych story.  That leaves one last story outstanding, which  J. Marc will be drawing.

Marc is also working away drawing THE SIXSMITHS. It's coming along nicely and we'll be pitching it soon. I hope to launch the website simultaneously; more details ont he project when that occurs.

Making progress, but it's painful and slow. Final polishing is never fun, and this project in particular requires every bit of attention I can throw at it. I'm still in the third chapter, which has always been the longest and most complex part of the book.

And... some more stuff, some of which it's too early to talk about and some of which it's too late. But I think that's enough for thispresent moment.

I hope that's not too many plates int he air, but any way you spin it, it looks like I'll have a pretty big output this year.

-- JF

kagemono, comics, deuce, sixsmiths, faerie apocalypse, writing, mcblack

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