Mar 17, 2006 12:41
I feel like the last few years could easily be defined as a "midlife crisis" though I have yet to come close to midlife. Lately I have been overly concerned with a feeling that is very similar to feelings i've had throughout the various stages of schooling. It can be summed up as an overwhelming dread in completing tasks for the purpose of appeasing someone who does not truly care about the quality of the end result, only that it is complete. In all truth, these tasks are not interesting, they are not complicated, they are not exciting, they only exist to be completed. My job / life is to complete them. If anything, only a small amount of new information can be obtained from the task and that information could have been assimilated in 5 minutes of conversation or 10 minutes of reading. The task, though, takes months to complete. I'm afraid that as we get older we do not become afraid of learning, we are just not given opportunities to learn. This is also mixing with the stress of corporate structure, especially in this field. No matter how well you complete your tasks, you can not move on to new types of tasks until you fit into a defined category. Due to these categories, you are not permitted to learn new things until you reach a pre-defined level. The levels are defined completely by age/experience/pedigree.
It makes a day/week/month less than exciting.
I resigned yesterday.
Maybe it's time for that Harley.