I changed the background to black and the text to white. It's easier on the eyes that way. I learned that little trick from a guy I like to call
Having your flesh frozen hurts. It hurts like a sum'bitch. I went to a dermatologist today to get some warts checked out, and he decided to freeze them. That's how one starts the wart-removal process--by molesting one's skin with cold. In a few days, I'm going to have to go out and buy some Compound W--that's salicylic acid, a substance that's used in acne creme because it causes skin cells to SLOUGH OFF--to put on the wart. I guess inducing frostbite wasn't enough to kill the warts.
But life is not all freezing and sloughing. I recently met Orson Scott Card, author of Ender's Game and the recently-released Magic Street. He signed the latter, writing "To Jason--A street map of Fairyland," which is fitting due to the content of the book.
I'm attempting to take behind-the-wheel driver's ed, but it has proved more difficult than I could imagine; after all, I need to have a teacher in order to take the course.
That's it for Part I.