Jul 02, 2005 16:29
I am so sick of people saying things about me behind my back. I KNOW that I make mistakes. I KNOW that I have done people wrong. I regret the many wrongs I have made but in NO way are you any better, by talking behind my back it makes you just as wrong as me.
Mar 22, 2005 22:52
Well, things have been going great in Cartersville. I may be getting a new job here, but it pays more! Now I just need to get an apartment up here so Kym can live with me again. But I will be playing at a party on the 8th! Not much more to say... I will update more later!
Oct 11, 2004 13:59
Well its 2oclock and im about to end my marathon computer session cause i am bored as shit and i think im gonna go lay down for a couple of hours.