Gothic Lolita Perth Outing

Feb 26, 2006 21:25

For those of you who don't know (which means you don't actually read my journal at all) I went to a Gothic Lolita outing in Perth on Saturday.

The night before I got home and had to sew some eyelets onto my skirt to hold it in place. I also put a tie on for extra security. It didn't fall off, so I suppose it worked. It was supposed to have buttons but I didn't finish it in time. There are pictures of the finished outfit further on with all the other pictures. Otherwise, I got it all finished.

Saturday morning was a nightmare. I've never spent quite as long as that getting ready. Putting on my shirt with all those tiny buttons, doing my hair, the petticoat and skirt, socks, sock toppers and shoes... Lord! It took forever. I had to get mom to fasten my skirt because I couldn't pull it into the right place over the petticoat and close it at the same time. Once I was dressed I did my makeup and had to constantly fight the rabbit to get in and out through the gate in the hallway. The rabbit vs mary-jane saga was very long and arduous. Mom though it was hilarious.

I got out of the house right on time and drove to Perth. I was going to take the train but mom said she would pay for parking, so I let her. I got there on time and realized I had no idea where Carillion Arcade was. So I started to walk. Now, this is not something most Perth people see everyday and I got a lot of stares. No one said anything or even sniggered, but they did stare. Some redneck in his car laughed, but I laughed right back because he looked ridiculous.

I walked through the train station and across the road and over the bridge. I was right in my guess because Carillion was just up ahead. I wandered through and headed up to the Pancake House upstairs. I met Skye and Tahlia there and omgosh! The outfits were so lovely. There are pictures later :P More of our friends turned up, all looking wonderful, so we went inside and ordered. I had a big plate of Jaffa pancakes and a chocolate milkshake. They were so delicious it was a shame I couldn't eat the entire plate. I was also pleasantly surprised by the prices. After fixing the bill we went to wander around Perth.

As we were walking around in our Gothic Lolita army there were lots of stares, a few snickers, and a lot of questions. Mostly the comments were nice though, and people seemed honestly curious and wanted to know what it was all about. We went to Morning Glory (where I bought some Hello Kitty stickers) and went to a few stores around Perth. We also went to Empire where there was much I wanted to buy. I also bought a potato peeler for my cousin's housewarming party (I bought the $3.95 one instead of the $19.95 Jamie Oliver peeler.) We went to JB-HiFi later on where Tahlia bought the Boogiepop Phantom boxset and I bought FMA in the metal tin which included the second sound track. Like I thought, though, mom was furious that I had spent the money. I ignored her though.

We had bubble tea later on. I've never been a fan. It tastes funny and has a weird texture with the sago. So I didn't buy any.

We took pictures in Central and some Japanese tourists wanted our photos as we walked around London Court. They were very nice and it was nice to be asked for photos. A woman in Myer also asked for our photo to show her brother (because he apparently likes all things Japanese. Do I smell an anime fan? :P )

At 3 we went home. I took Tahlia and Skye back home because Tahlia had to take the bus home to Mandurah later. I also took my shoes off because they were killing me. My feet still hurt. Luckily the weather wasn't too hot. I felt a little warm at times wearing long sleeves, but I wasn't overheated or sweating too much. If it was any hotter I would have worn my short sleeved shirt and no bustier.

Okay, so now what everyone wants to see: pictures! I really don't like posting pictures of me on the net (because I look terrible and I wish I could remain anonomous) but Skye already broke the sanctity of my hidden nature! *shakes fist* So, now it doesn't matter much. Enjoy the pictures!

Breakfast! Jaffa pancakes. Look at all that delicious chocolate sauce and the lovely fresh orange. They were delicious and so well priced!

Skye (ghostempire) and I. Skye's outfit is so lovely (and it's brand!). Look at the parasol, too!

Tahlia (hellotiffy) and I. Skye made Tahlia's Hello Kitty skirt and her petticoat, and Tahlia pulls it off so well. She just loves Hello Kitty! (She also bought a Hello Kitty fan later at Morning Glory).

Gothic Lolita Army! Here we were already missing two friends who left before we went to Empire. It was lovely to meet so many people and see the wonderful outfits! I especially loved the two black and white outfits and the sweet lolita Hello Kitty plushy~ *squee*

Overall, I'm very happy with my outfit. It's nice to know that I made the entire thing (well, the majority of it. Of course I didn't make the shirt or the actual socks). There are still some things I'm not happy with, though. For starters it does need buttons on the skirt still. The skirt is that little bit too short and the back has an opening too large. The socks should have been antique white, same as my shoes. Black shoes with a white outfit = bad. They stand out a lot. I should have done something a little more with my hair, too. It looked very flat, though I did have a bow at the back. It was too hot to wear it out, though. Otherwise though, I'm very happy. I hope my next set is even better. I really enjoyed sewing it and then enjoyed wearing it even more. I think now that I am fully entranced by Gothic Lolita and will enjoy throwing myself further into the culture.

Thanks again to Skye and Tahlia for setting up such a nice day and going to all the hard work. It was nice to meet everyone I did and I had such a good time! ^^

There are also some more photo's here:

Tiffy's Flickr
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