Information about Ice Skating Information about the Ice Skating night this Friday. Everyone is invited if you're in the Perth area. All the details you need at above.
But for a quick run down...
When: Friday 10th February
Time: 7:30 - 10pm
Where: Cockburn Ice Arena
Cost: $15 includes skate hire
Like I was saying, anyone in Perth is invited. If you want to come but don't want to come alone, bring some friends and make a night of it. If you know of anyone who would like to come, don't be shy and send them an email!
It should be fun all round. Seems like most of the people I asked don't want to come, but that's usual right? Invite 30 and only two come? ^^;; Maybe everyone just hates me.
(Also, feel free to link to this journal for information)