So its the last of the month.... which means that finally i can give back my keys to the silvercreek apartment today... I would like to thank everyone who gave me a hand in finishing it up- from removing stuff when i first left the bastard to cleaning to patching up the holes to throwing stuff away while I was at work.. I do not know what I would
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You've came a long way girl and I'm so proud of you for it. Your parents and others may not see it but I talk to you everyday and I've seen the struggles and the progress day in and day out. All I can hope now is that you don't stray from your path but I will be there along the way to guide you and convince you to stay on this one with me if you need it. And if you fall again, I'll be there to help you get back on and keep going. I think you underestimate how strong you are sometimes. If anything, everything you've been through in the past 10 years should be proof of made it, you're still here! Let them be lessons and a motivation to strive for more and better in your life.
I love you girl! xox
Unlike someone we know I don't believe in pushing people towards our own personal beliefs and ideals and/or criticize them for their bad judgments and mistakes. We're only humans and can't be perfect. Putting judgment and expectations on someone struggling only adds more pressure and stress and it brings nothing positive. I will offer my help, opinions, advices and suggestions but I will not push it...when you need it, you'll come and get it and I'll gladly offer it, not because I expect anything back but because it makes me feel good to know that I can make your life better or easier somehow...however minimal it may be. And that my dear is what true friends really are!
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