2012: The year of the geek

May 03, 2012 06:15

So there are 4 potentially exciting movies for geeks coming out this year.

1) The Avengers: I'm going to see this on Monday. I am excite. Mostly because there is no member of that cast I wouldn't bang like a screen door in a hurricane, but also because I have waited a long time for Captain America and Iron Man to be on the silver screen together. DO NOT DISAPPOINT ME, LIFE.

2) Spiderman: I didn't really like the Tobey Maguire Spiderman series, if I'm honest. I only saw the first one and found it boring. BUT, I love everything Andrew Garfield is and chooses to be and I am pretty desperate for this to be a success for him. *fingers crossed*

3) The Dark Knight Rises: I am not really very excited about this one at all. I'll see it, yes, but I didn't really like the first two movies very much, although they were perfectly entertaining. When I reflect upon them I realise I only liked the interactions between Christian Bale and Michael Caine and Morgan Freeman. That's only about 6 lines in two whole movies - the rest I found unmemorable. Also, when I find myself anticipating it, I have to remind myself that the fact that JGL and Tom Hardy are in the same movie really does not equate to more canon Arthur/Eames.

4) The Hobbit: I'm sorry, I'm sorry for the sacriledge, but I didn't really enjoy the book, and I am in no way titillated by the trailers I've seen so far. The danger of this being a disappointing rehash of LoTR is pretty high, I think, despite my love of Martin Freeman. And have I ever mentioned how annoying I find Ian McKellan's Gandalf voice? No? Well I do. I love him in general (<3 Magneto), but it grinds horribly on my nerves. Again, I'll watch it, but I'm not sanguine.

And then on to 2013 where there is more Star Trek to be had. \o/

I really enjoyed the 2009 movie - close enough to canon in spirit and character for me to be satisfied, but new and modern enough not to feel old-fashioned or like a rip-off. Good job! I shake my head at all the Kirk/Bones it prompted, as a dyed-in-the-wool K/S-er, but the relationship bewteen them was so cute in the movie, I understand. I'm not going to go into a ship manifesto about K/S right now, but nothing trumps nearly 50 YEARS of death-defeating, alt-universe crossing, galactically destined K/S. Just sayin'.

But, I have a problem (not K/S focused) about recent spoilers I've heard that Benedict Cumberbatch is Khan. Really? Really?! You had better be messing with me, spoiler-people. I really enjoy his Sherlock but he is NO Ricardo Montablan. He is too white (Khan is Indian) and too skinny (Khan is a genetically enhanced human). Please don't be true. Please don't be true.

Geek-chic still lives (long and prospers)!

This entry was originally posted at http://jasmasson.dreamwidth.org/107290.html


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