Jul 08, 2008 13:26

So, now that the VividCon schedule is up, I am more excited about the con than ever. This is me, a big ball of squee. (Kind of like this, actually.)

Even though I've never actually stuck to a preplanned con schedule in my life, what the hell! Let's make an estimated guess. Some of these I obviously haven't decided on yet, so we'll see how I feel at the time. Definites are bolded.


12 pm: Vidding History from 1980 to 1990 (vidshow/panel)
1 pm: Joy (vidshow) or Collaborative Vidding (panel)
2 pm: Nearly New (vidshow)
4 pm: Also Premiering (vidshow)


10 am: Vids That Push the Envelope (vidshow) or Color (panel)
11 am: Action (vidshow)
1 pm: Sense of Play (vidshow)
2 pm: I Suck (panel)
3 pm: How to Reinvent Yourself (panel)
4 pm: Second Bananas (vidshow)


1 pm: Hip Hop (vidshow) or In-Depth Vid Review (panel)
2 pm: End of the World (vidshow)

Last year I had a great balance of vidshows and panels, but I'm looking really vids-heavy this year. In most cases where I can't choose, I'm leaning toward the vidshow. But I might have to eventually give my eyes a break, especially if I do 5 straight hours of vids on Friday, as;dlkfjasd. No matter what, it's going to be AWESOME, and I am OMG SO EXCITED. Yay VVC!


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