It's going to take millions of us to wake people up because the majority of the media (most recently MSNBC and Washington Post) are still being played like a fiddle--they get part of the story right, then they fill in the gaps with what Trump is tweeting and report it like it's fact. They're still largely normalizing his activity as if Trump is ready to go. He's not. He's as corrupt and as clueless and as narcissistic and as power hungry and as vengeful as anyone can possibly imagine.
Plus his Russian ties go deeper than the deepest rabbit hole. So this sh*t about not knowing Putin after forgetting that he said earlier that he has a good relationship with Putin? Yeah.
The media is not doing their job.
So WE are.
Compiled from tweets by a mutual follow: @MarcusC22973194
1998: FBI shuts down YBM Magnex International
YBM Magnex was a billion dollar fraud
YBM Magnex was controlled by Semion Mogilevich
Jacob Bogatin was CEO of YBM Magnex
His brother David Bogatin owned 5 apartments in Trump Tower
David Bogatin is in NY State Prison for fraud and Russian Mafia ties
Donald Trump personally sold apartments to David Bogatin
The boss of the Russian Mafia is Semion Mogilevich
A Mogilevich associate in New York in the 1990's was Vyacheslav Ivankov
Vyacheslav Ivankov resided at Trump Tower
Ivankov used Trump organization's phone and fax lines to communicate with Moscow
Donald Trump communicates via clandestine server with Alfa Bank
Alfa Bank is controled by Semion Mogilevich the boss of the Russian Mafia
A Mogilevich associate in the Ukraine is Dmitry Firtash
Paul Manafort is employed by Firtash since 2005
Trump's 1987 Soviet invite, rooms issued by Intourist Hotels, Russians prepped his suite and the "Fun Rooms"
Trump's Soviet contact was Ambassador Yuri Dubinin
CIA (then) Deputy Director Bob Gates had them tailed
July 1987: Trump visits the Soviet Union
September 1987: Trump spends money for ads demanding U.S. Abandon its allies
Trump does business with Agalarov
Agalarov family is close to Putin
Alfa Bank shareholder is Richard Burt
Richard Burt is a shareholder in Gazprom
Gazprom consultant is Carter Page
Carter Page is Foreign Policy Adviser to Donald Trump
Paul Manafort worked for Victor Yanukovich
Yanukovich was part of Maidan Revolution
Yanukovich's best friend is Vladimir Putin
Trump sold his $95 million home to Russian billionaire Dmitry Rybolovev in 2008.
Dmitry Rybolovev owns Uralkali
Uralkali's HR Director is Ruslan Ilyasov, who spent 2 years as the Head of HR at Alfa Bank
Donald Trump Jr. spoke at same conference as Richard Sobel, an executive at Alfa Capital Partners, of Alfa Bank
Trump held Miss Universe at Agalarov's Crocus Hall in 2013
Trump gave Russian businessman Agalarov "Diamond Excellence Award" in 2010
Putin gave Agalarov an award in 2013
There are 249 LLCs registered in Russia
Trump Admits to Relationship with Putin in 2013 in a fricken YouTube