It's been awhile since I've posted anything to my journal here. I've been mostly on RA's lj, and also tweeting on their behalf. But below is a little ditty for your consideration.
Behold, a "historical" photo of members of the KKK desecrating (or not) what I presume to be some Christian church. I've seen this photo numerous times. It's actually quite widely distributed, but as I look at it again today, I'm left wondering about a few things. There are those who like to point out how far we've come as a nation, that racism, while still a problem in some sectors has largely been relegated to the past, and "thank God" we're no longer a nation who equates "Jesus Saves" with white supremacy.
Enter Trump. The Ku Klux Klan, and specifically former Grand Wizard David Duke has wholeheartedly endorsed Donald Trump for president. The KKK has been conducting full-on parades celebrating Trump's election. Widely known is Don's racism both past and present, as in not allowing Black families to move in to Trump-owned apartment units using the excuse that there were no vacancies, yet immediately renting to white families who were also applying. The instances were so common that he's been in trouble with the law numerous times, ordered to pay fines, and ordered to change renting practices.
Steve Bannon, it has been announced will be Trump's Chief Strategist. Steve is a well-known white nationalist, highly bigoted, and rather nuts himself, on a variety of topics. Once, he choked his wife because she was making too much noise when she got up in the middle of the night to feed their infant. Birth control makes women "unattractive and crazy" etc. I could go on, but just to suffice it to say, Trump is already surrounding himself with people who believe the same things he already believes about Black people, women, gays, immigrants.
It has now been determined that 75% to nearly 90% of White Evangelical Christians/Born Again Christians who voted, voted for Trump last week. Presumably many were one-issue voters, though it's widely known that Trump until recently was pro-choice, and even once ordered a mistress he had sex with to have an abortion. But now he says that women who have abortions "need to be punished" so that's music to the ears of the Evangelicals who would like nothing better than to have Roe v. Wade overturned from a Trump appointment on SCOTUS. Morally, it doesn't matter to these same Evangelicals that Trump cheated on Wife #1 with wife #2, and cheated on wife #2 with wife #3, or that there are now a dozen women who have come forward to report sexual abuse by Trump, or any of the 100s of other things which if he were literally ANYONE else, would have immediately disqualified him from being endorsed by Evangelicals.
So someone needs to explain to me, that if this photo is so relegated to the past, how it's so utterly impossible that aside from the dated type font spelling out "Jesus Saves" that it wasn't taken this past Sunday.