Quick recap:
Last week Noe and I went to the jazz festival. I had fun especially because I got to hang out with some friends.
Party Planning in full effect. But every year I have the same issue, my FIL wants to take over my daughters party. We (Noe & I) agreed not to tell his parents until a week before. Last weekend they came over on Sunday unexpected and asked what we had planned for the girls birthday. I spoke up and said we probably have something small for them but not sure when. I should have put tape over Noe's lips. He immediately tells him all our plans. Thats when FIL starts giving us his recommendations. Even on who we should invite. As your kids grow their birthday parties change. Feliza wants a Rainbow Unicorn swim party with her friends. That's what she will get. After back and forth and trying really hard to be polite my FIL got up and said he was not coming to the party because we don't want to consider his menu, guest list, and even the table layouts. I know totally silly but I realized as our parents get older, they get stubborn and hard headed. So now Noe is upset at me because his dad is upset and I am upset because he could not keep his mouth shut. Only person happy is Feliza because her birthday party is coming. All she talks about is her party.
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