Moving day

Jun 28, 2011 16:09

Saturday we started to move. I asked my best friend to watch my girls. I have never left my girls with anyone other than my parents, in laws, SIL, or my sister. I have trust issues even with family because you just never know and I have girls so I watch them like a hawk. So leaving them with my friend was hard but I had no one else. Saturday when I picked up my girls as I was putting my little one in the car seat, I noticed her finger nail on her pinky was half missing and her fingers were red with blood. I asked Feliza what happen to her little sister and she said my friends son closed the door on her hand. Oh boy. I was furious because my friend did not mention anything. When I watch my friends kids I am more cautions with them because they are not mine. I decided not to say anything to Noe because I know he would call my friend up. As soon as we get home Feliza tells him about luna's hand. Uhg. After we talked we decided not to say anything to my friend and just never leave the girls with anyone else other than grandparents or my sister/SIL.

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