Redemption Chapter 13

May 22, 2013 20:34

Title: Redemption Chapter 13
jcrgirl and
Pairing: J2, Jensen/OMC, Timothy/Matt Cohen, Timothy/Jared, Chris/Steve, Tom Hardy/Joseph Gordon Levitt
Rating: R
Word Count: ~5900
Warnings: Overall: AU, dub-con, abuse, past MPREG,AU
Disclaimer: Don't own, don't sue. Just playing with the pretty, pretty people.
Summary: Running from an abuive relatonship, Jared and his twin sons arrive in the small town of Wowakan, CO. Picking up the pieces, a complication comes in the form of Jared's ex-boyfriend, Jensen.

Redemption Masterpost

A/N & WARNING: Much love as always to my beautiful beta
glimmerella and my partner in literary crime
imogen_lily. The story Jensen is reading to the twins at the beginning is "Yertle the Turtle" by Dr. Seuss.

Read it here at my journal.

warning: non con, warning: mpreg, warning: dub con, rating: r

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