Of mice and coffee - Part 2/?

May 17, 2013 12:28

Title: Of mice and coffee
Author: ashtraythief
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Rating: NC-17
Words: ~ 6,700

Disclaimer: not mine, never happened

Warnings/Kinks: bottom!Jared, mentions of past abuse (evil!JDM), angst, h/c, schmoop and too much bubbly

Summary: Boy meets boy. The only problems? One of them is painfully shy and still recuperating from a bad relationship and the other one is cursed with a belligerent cat. Somehow it all works out though.

Note: Written as a prequel for You make me cry in a good way for this prompt on the spnkink_meme

Betad by the amazing dimeliora

Part 2

rating: nc17

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