morning glory - rated nc-15 - new j2 verse

Jul 04, 2011 23:35

Title:  Morning Glory 
Authors: Mina and Sianne
Fandom: [RPS] Real Person Slash
Pairing: [J2] Jensen/Jared
Rating: NC-15
Warnings / Contains: top!Jensen + horny!Jared, handjobs, dirty talk / goading
Word Count: 1,064~
Summary: Mondays are a pain, and Jared insists they stay in bed and do nothing. Jensen has other ideas. 
Disclaimer: We do not claim to have any associaton with / own these two gorgeous men - sob!
Note/s: we've had a break and now we're back posting [though we've written and discussed tonnes!] and we have an official VERSE TAG now, so check it out. We love this ficlet and hope you enjoy it. Jared didn't know what hit him and neither did we!

author: si_star_x, author: notsodamaged, pairing: gen, rating: r

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