Lovers Carousel (J2, AU, NC17)

Jul 03, 2011 23:24

Title: Lovers Carousel
Author: debarouchi
Pairing/ Characters: Jared/Jensen (bottom!Jensen), past Jared/OMC, Jensen/OMC
Rating: NC17
Wordcount: 5492
Summary: Jared loves having his best friend as his roommate, until his jealousy gets the better of him, and he can't hide it anymore. Turns out his feelings may not be as one sided as Jared thought they were...
Disclaimer: This fun stuff only happens in my mind, if it does happen then the boys ain’t telling us about it! :(
Authors note: Title and cut line taken from In The Next Room by Neon Trees which is currently one of my fave songs.

Warnings: Mentions of top!Jensen with OMCs and bareback sex between J2

You play me like I am made of strings, I'm the violin, a melody...I want your lips to sing…

rating: nc17, author: debarouchi, pairing: others

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