Prologue #02: Jared at 15: [J2] Jensen/Jared: Rated PG-13 - part of the When I Was a Boy!Verse

Jun 17, 2011 20:58

Verse: When I Was a Boy
Fic Title: Prologue #02: Jared at 15
Fandom: [RPS] Real Person Slash
Pairing / Characters: J2: Jensen Ackles / Jared Padalecki + mentions of family and other CWRP characters
Original Prompt: from spnkink_meme  here
Rating: PG-13 this part
Contains: unrequited!love, underage drinking, swearing + possessive!Jared, baby-sitter!Jensen
Word Count: 2,869~
Summary: Jared didn't expect Basketball to be a release. But that isn't to say he hasn't teetered off the edge a few times...
Disclaimer: AU - but still not claiming it happened. :P
Note/s: OH GOD. I'm so sorry. Probably everyone has forgotten this 'verse. But the gap is sort of good. Now I have the background set as I want. I shall try not to update so slow again.

"I gotta go, Jensen. This paper’s due soon…it’s the last bit I need for the credit on the course.”

rating: pg13, author: notsodamaged, pairing: gen

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