Too Far, Too Fast: J2: Jensen/Jared: Rated PG-15 - part of the Just on Principle!Verse

Jun 17, 2011 12:58

Verse: Just on Principle
Fic Title:  Too Far, Too Fast
Rated: NC-15
Pairing: [J2] Jensen Ackles / Jared Padalecki + mentions of others.
Genre: High School AU
Authors: Mina 
Word Count: 1,215 
Warning/s + Contains:  cocky!jock!Jared + reluctant!teacher!Jensen - blowjobs, sneaking around, swearing, first time!I love you - schmoop!
Summary: When Jared says anything goes? He means anything. But there's other things on Jensen's mind right now than the impending closet!sex - but is it too soon to say those three little words?
Disclaimer: AU - but we are still not claiming it happened. :D
Notes #01: just a nice, in-between fic. C'mon. Like Jared would go easy on his favourite teacher, huh?

"For goodness’ sake, though, Padalecki - stop kidnapping me at random hours of the day!"

rating: pg13, author: notsodamaged, pairing: gen

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