Save You Save Me, Jared/Jensen, NC-17, 14/?

Apr 30, 2011 12:33

Title: Save You Save Me 14/?
Author name: alienat 
Pairing: Jensen/Jared
Rating: NC-17
Word count: 3,039
Beta: jodean80, tan_kat, steelknight 
Warnings/Spoilers: rps, language, angst, violence, mentions child abuse and humiliation, sexual assault
Disclaimer: Nope, not true. J2 and all the others mentioned belong to themselves.
Summary: To Megan Jared's the loving brother, who runs the family business and has taken care of her since their parents died. To his team Jared's the leader they'd do anything for. To his enemies Jared's the thorn in their sides. And to Jensen? To Jensen Jared's everything Jensen never thought he could have.
Author’s notes: Jensen’s younger than Jared in this story. All the art is made by my darling amysticka. This is a Christmas gift for the amazing kebab1806. I really hope you like what I did to your prompt, hon.
Author’s notes 2: Comments are love.

Previous Chapters: Masterpost

Chapter 14

rating: nc17, author: alienat

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