The Book 1/?

Apr 29, 2011 10:44

Paring: Jensen,Jared,Misha
Betathanks so much to Asher_k
Disclaimer: I dont own these guys this is all in my own world
 Summery:jaredand Jenson tease Misha about his wifes book

“So Misha, tell us: Is it true?” Jensen smirks and cocks his eyebrow. Misha just rolls his eyes; he’s been expecting this ever since he posted that damn Tweet, but he’ll be damned if he’s gonna let Charlie fucking Sheen take something as special as his wife’s book and make it into a joke of any kind. Charlie is such a douche.

“Jensen, really, we’re not gonna go there.”

“But how could you keep something like this from us? I thought we shared everything!”

Jared barks out a laugh as he grabs a beer and joins in the conversation. “Obviously not.”

Misha rolls his eyes again at the lame joke.

“So, Misha,” Jensen pipes up again. “Spill. I know your wife is smokin’ hot and all, but she’s into threesomes. That’s like every man’s dream. How many have you had?”

Misha smiles. “You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.” The look on his face only makes them even more curious; Jared’s eyes widen before he asks wondrously:

“Whoa… You mean there’ve been a lot?”

Misha shakes his head. “I’m not talking about my and my wife’s sex life with you.”

“Geez, we just want to know about everyone else,” Jensen deflects. “Not your wife. Have you been with anyone famous?”

Jared smirks. “Have you ever been with more than two at once?”

Jensen laughs. “Have you been with any dudes?”

Misha stiffens slightly, just enough that Jensen notices. “Whoa, whoa! You have been with a dude. Was it weird sharing your wife like that?”

“I didn’t share her,” Misha mumbles, so quietly that Jensen almost misses it. “She just watched.”

Jared chokes on his beer. “Wait, what?” he sputters, his eyes owlish and huge; Jensen looks similarly shocked as he asks, “Wait, you’ve been with a guy? But you’re straight. Right?”

Misha just shrugs, a red flush creeping up his neck to his cheeks. Jared overcomes his shock first, shaking himself. “So, what, you’re bi? Or…gay? Or what?”

Misha smirks. “What, you’ve never experimented?”

Jared and Jensen look at each other askance; this is not where they had planned to go when they had begun teasing Misha. This is something else entirely, a kind of a sharing and caring that they really don’t want to do. Jared and Jensen have been messing around for a while now; nothing serious, just a drunken hand job on a dare, and that one kiss that really didn’t mean anything because, of course, they had both been kind of high, and the one time they had spooned had just been because there hadn’t been another room available at that hotel. Nothing serious at all, but this is different. This is Misha admitting to having been with another guy. This is huge.

“So just the once?”

“What was it like?”

“Who did what?”

“Were you the pitcher or catcher?”

Misha turns even redder, if that’s at all possible. He sighs heavily. “Gimme a beer and I’ll explain.”

Jensen tosses him a beer immediately. “Okay, so spill.”

Misha nods. “Okay,” he says tentatively, “but you need to swear that this never leaves this room. It’s one thing for my wife to have written that book, but this could really mess up my career; no one wants a bisexual actor playing a sex symbol.”

Jared nods. “So you are bi.”

Misha shakes his head. “Sort of. I wasn’t until Vicki and I decided to try having a guy join us instead of a girl. She got really uncomfortable, though, so he and I started messing around to help her out; before I knew what was going on, he was on his knees, sucking my cock, all I wanted to do was come down his throat. It was the most erotic thing I think I’ve ever seen; he was all hunched over with his mouth around my dick… Hell, I never even gave him a warning. I just exploded down his throat and he took it without complaining or anything.

“But you know what the best part was?” he asks with a faraway look. “It was knowing that I didn’t have to be so damned gentle and full of finesse. I could just…let go and enjoy. I didn’t have to worry about bruising his ‘tender skin’; he was all muscle, tough, and he liked it rough. Man, I think he milked out all my come, and then he bent over in front of me and spread himself wide open and fingered himself until I was hard enough to fuck him.”

Jensen and Jared blow out breaths neither of them had been aware of holding. “Holy shit!” they say, almost in unison. Jensen is the first to recover, standing up probably a little quicker than he should have, considering all his blood is pooling in his groin and leaving nothing for his brain.

“Well, okay, so, now that we know the book’s true,” Jensen fumbles, “that’s just…  Wow. Yeah, I’mma go now. Misha, thanks for the info; see you tomorrow.” He huffs as he opens the door, and Jared quickly makes his escape soon after; neither of them really knows what to say. That was so much more than they had ever expected to hear from Misha. Anytime their jokes had even treaded towards crassness, he had quickly left; they had figured he was really religious, or something, which had only made the Tweet that much more shocking. They’d thought for sure it had to be some sort of joke but this is just. Wow.

Later that evening, Jared is still in shock when his cell vibrates; it’s Jensen, and he picks up. “Hey.”

“What are you doing?” Jensen replies in lieu of a greeting. “Want to order pizza? I’ll bring beer.”

“Sure, the usual?”


Ten minutes later, Jensen comes into his living room without having bothered to knock on the front door; they’ve been so close for so long, Jared can’t even remember a time when he did. “Got the beer,” Jensen says on his way to the kitchen. “I thought we could use a few, so I got a twenty box; that ok?”

“Pizza should be here in five,” Jared replies, leaning against the sink. Jensen smiles.

“Sweet. got the game on already, or do I need to find it? I know you and TiVo don’t exactly mesh.” Jensen smirks, anticipating the apple Jared throws at him from the ornamental fruit basket. He likes this predictability of their friendship; after the whole overshare with Misha, he’s still kind of off kilter. Hanging out with Jared is something normal that he can relax to without having to think about. The Spurs are kicking the Lakers’ asses-just the thing to make a Texas boy (not) forget weird conversations, and Jensen has been on edge the whole game. Every time a team member hugs someone or slaps a teammate’s ass, he tenses up.

This is stupid. He isn’t homophobic or anything; why would Misha’s story make him all freaked out over guys touching or anything? Except that it does. Well, if he’s honest with himself, maybe it isn’t the story itself so much as the raging hard on it gave him.

Jensen jerks and spills his beer a little when Jared slaps his shoulder. “Earth to Jensen,” he says. “You still here?”

“Yeah, dude, sorry; I spaced for a second there. I was thinking…” Jensen trails off, hoping that his face isn’t as flushed as it feels.

“Yeah, about what?” Jared teases. “You looked like you were watching porn.”

“Shut up,” Jensen dismisses. “I was not.”

“Dude, you were thinking about what Misha told us today, weren’t you?”


“Yes you were! Man, you ran from set like Britney Spears was chasing you with a paternity test. Admit it, that story made you hot.”

“Whatever.” Jensen is absolutely not sulking, no matter what Jared thinks.

“Don’t tell me it didn’t totally screw with your mind. I mean, hello… The details alone, he was pretty specific.” Jared shrugs. “I never would have thought Misha, of all people, would be so…so…”



“It was just…” Jensen fumbles for the words. “Kind of overwhelming. I’ll admit it turned me on a little. I mean, it was like a straight-up porno.”

Jared nods. “Yeah, I know. I didn’t even make it to my trailer; I jacked off behind the craft tent. Hell, the damn key grip almost found me.”

Jensen bursts out with a surprised laugh. “Seriously? And here I thought I was the only one he was getting to. I mean, Misha. Wow, I wonder who he was with.”

“Do you think he’d ever tell us?”

“Hell no.”

“Yeah, you’re probably right.” Jared grins a little. “But man, I’d love to know.”

Jensen frowns at the nine empty bottles lining the table in front of him plus the six in front of Jared. “Wow, did I really drink that many?”

“Yeah…you should probably just stay here tonight,” Jared decides. “I don’t think Eric would appreciate me letting you drink and drive, and I don’t want him kicking my ass tomorrow.”

Jensen stands, swaying slightly. “You’re probably right.” Jared laughs and gets up, grabbing Jensen by the shoulders to steer him down the hall. Jensen didn’t realize how tipsy he was until he tried to walk; Jared is all but carrying him by the time they get to the bedroom. “Gotta piss,” he slurs, his accent seeping into his speech and making him giggle nonsensically. “Jear-bear, when did I get so drunk?”

Laughing again at the confused look on Jensen’s face, Jared speaks as seriously as he can manage: “Sometime between the seventh bottle and the ninth.” Jensen just nods; it’s a good thing he has a Jared.

Jared, however, is wondering what the hell he’s supposed to do with a drunken Jensen who still has to piss and can’t stand up under his own power. Sighing, he guides Jensen into the bathroom. “Okay, dude, do your thing. But if you piss on my floor, you’re cleaning it up in the morning.”

“But I can’t get my zipper down,” Jensen whines. Jared rolls his eyes-this’ll be great blackmail material come morning-and reaches for Jensen’s fly, popping the buttons of Jensen’s that’s-definitely-not-a-zipper fly. Shaking head, he takes Jensen by the shoulders again and turns him towards the toilet, chuckling at the little moan Jensen releases when he finally manages to let loose, leaning back into Jared to steady himself.

Twenty minutes later, Jared is lying in bed going over the day’s events when Jensen flings his arm across his chest. It had seemed easier to just put Jensen in bed with him than to try explaining to a drunken Jensen why he didn’t have a teddy bear to hold.

What the hell is that noise? It sounds like a bear growling; why is a bear growling in his room? Jensen takes a minute to open his eyes. They feel like they’re glued shut; he probably forgot to take out his damn contacts again. Blinking rapidly, he looks around…not his room. A glance to the right brings things back to him; there’s Jared, but no bear. Apparently, the man can really snore. Jensen recognizes Jared’s room, but he still can’t think of why he’s there and why Jared is undressed. Getting up and going into the bathroom, he vaguely remembers Jared standing behind him and threatening to task him with cleaning the floors; when he’s finished up, he splashes water on his face and goes back into the bedroom, throwing a wet washcloth at Jared. “Rise and shine, pumpkin.”

Jared jerks awake: “Nngh, what the fuck?” He flings the wet towel aside and scowls up at Jensen. “Dude, seriously? That’s a pretty shitty way to wake up the guy who took care of your drunken ass last night.”

Jensen smirks. “Yeah, I don’t remember too much. Thanks for letting me crash here, though; you know you sound like a bear when you snore, right?”

“So…” Jared mutters indignantly.

Jensen grins. “Want to get some breakfast before we have to hit the set? ”

“Sure,” Jared says, swinging his legs out of bed. “Lemme get dressed and we can stop by your place on the way so you can change.”

Forty-five minutes,sitting in the diner,yesterday’s conversation with Misha comes back up when Jared says: “So…do you ever think about doing what Misha did?”

Jensen snorts into his coffee and shrugs. “Yeah, I guess sometimes…but it would have to be with someone I really trust. Y’know.”

Jared nods and sips his own coffee. “What about with Misha or me?” he says quietly, rushing on at once. “I mean, if I did it, it would only be with one of you guys.”

Jensen looks at Jared with an expression Jared’s never seen before and can’t quite identify. He nods slowly. “Maybe we need to talk to Misha again-y’know, about the book?”

Jared shifts in his seat and meets Jensen’s eyes. “Yeah, you know, about the book…”


pairing: threesome

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