Mini Fic: One Chance Only

Jun 19, 2012 20:40

Title: One Chance Only
Continuity: G1
Rating: PG-13
Character(s): Ratchet/Jazz
Warnings: None
Prompt: Jazz/Ratch Medberth Restraints are Fun (Especially when the Patient isn't on the receiving end)
Part of the Oath and Covenant AU. Series masterpost here

Oh. Slag. Yes. Was about the only coherent thought Jazz's processor managed to come up with as he rolled off the berth he had been recharging on and crept over to the medic. The very much offline and deeply recharging medic.
A chance like this would probably never come up again.
This would require all his stealth abilities to complete.
First, the medic needed to be arranged. Jazz delicately straightened out the curled up form, pausing whenever there was a particularly long or deep vent from the prone form.
Second, he had to attach the restraints without waking the medic. Ankles and thighs were easiest, and then the wrists. So near to the extremely sensitive hands was the most likely way to wake him up.
Indeed the thrum of rousing systems was growing as he finished with the second wrist.
Humming an old Cybertronian tune Jazz calmly hacked into the door and locked it.
“Lights, forty percent.” He grinned as they dimmed, the growing blue glow on the berth becoming more visible. “Morning Ratchet.” He said cheerily as the optics snapped up to focus on him.
“Jazz. I see the stunning effect has worn off.” Ratchet said before trying to sit up.
Trying being the operative word.
Jazz cackled gleefully as the medic realised exactly what was going on. He trailed one hand along a pale white thigh, playing with the band wrapped around it as Ratchet glared.
Oh, the medic wouldn't be upset about the proposition, such as it was, to interface, no, he was annoyed that he had been caught in the same trap that he had used on Jazz far too many times.
“Relax, Doctor Jazz is here to give you a full check up.”
Ratchet didn't answer, his helm thudding back onto the woven mesh pillow. “Slag it all, you fragged up shard of a rusted motherboard.” The cursing didn't stop the medic's fans from roaring online as Jazz hopped up to straddle his frame, fingers roaming in a very unprofessional manner for a so called doctor.

c: jazz, c: ratchet, series: oath and covenant au

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