Mini Fic: Speed and Velocity

Mar 10, 2012 21:02

Title: Speed and Velocity
Continuity: G1
Rating: PG
Character(s): Ratchet
Warnings: None
Summary: Ambulance drivers have to undertake large amounts of training. Why should it be any different when you are the ambulance
Notes Written for tf_speedwriting, Prompt 1. Masterlist, 12 June 2010, Song: Fuel by Metallica. Not sure how well it fits - but this is what my brain gave me.
Part of the Oath and Covenant AU. Series masterpost here

"Okay, you've never done this before?" The no-nonsense mech asks as he reads over a pad.
I shake my helm as I stare over our current location.
"Not even recreationally?" He pushes and I shake my helm again, maybe I did when I was a youngling, but I joined the Academy as soon as I was transferred into my adult frame and I've never had time to try it.
"Right." The enforcer says as he marks something on the pad. "You read through the manual that was sent to you?"
"Yes." It takes effort to stop my plating from rattling and I'm not sure whether it is from excitement or apprehension.
"Very well." He says as he steps off the track and settles himself in the stands. "Patch into my commlink and follow any instructions I give you immediately. Beyond that, you may begin whenever you are ready."
Folding down into my alt mode I accelerate away from the stands following the track around at a respectable speed until I reached what would be the limit for normal civilian mechs. And this is where the real test begins, turning my lights and sirens on I slowly increase my speed.
I can feel my thrusters thrumming, the deep growl far harder than anything I've heard from them before and my sensors have become hyper aware, flashing data at me in an endless wave.
Traction ratings are no longer a constant, instead they are fluctuating as my anti-gravs try to keep a fine balance between too little and hitting the floor and too much and flipping over.
I am so unprepared for the high pitched alarm of a proximity alert that I wrench my entire front end around, barely missing the obstacle in the track and I end up rolling, the screech of metal as my roof scrapes across the floor of the track jarring me out of my alt mode.
::You're trying to get to an accident, not cause one.:: My instructers caustic comment echoes through my comm. as I run a quick self diagnostic. ::Do you really think all mechs are going to get out of your way just because you have pretty lights?::
Nothing damaged beyond dents I flip back into my alt mode ramping up my speed again, but this time I keep an extra sensor online for obstacles on the track. A good thing I did as there are more of them as I get further round the track, models built to resemble mechs of all sizes and frames, and debris left lying around, the entire track changing from an open air racing venue to a mimicry of a congested arterial route.
Then it changes again and I barely miss plowing into a wall as it takes on the form of a tightly packed industrial and residential area, the streets narrow and twisting and several times I feel my sides scrape against walls as I take corners a little too fast.
By the time I am back in front of the enforcer my engine is screaming at me and I am on my hands and knees, my spark racing with a strange mix of exhilaration and excitement and a dash of fear.
"A good start. But you clipped at least three other mechs and I'm afraid your patient extinguished before you arrived."
I? What? I don't have chance to ask him what he means as he motions with his datapad towards the track.
"Again, apprentice. And this time put some speed into it."

c: ratchet, series: oath and covenant au

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