Mini Fic: Murder Most Foul

Mar 08, 2012 12:41

Title: Murder Most Foul
Continuity: G1
Rating: PG
Character(s): Hoist, Ratchet, First Aid, Groove
Warnings: None
Summary: Hoist gets a shock when he walks in on Ratchet leaning over two energon covered frames...
Notes: Part of the Oath and Covenant AU. Series masterpost here

Now that the shock was wearing off, I suppose that I could see the funny side of the situation.
It hadn't been so funny when I had walked in the door after Ratchet had commed me for assistance to find him leaning over First Aid and Groove his hands covered in energon. The two younglings themselves were coated in the stuff and my weaponry had started to power up in response. Hardcoded reactions to protect the younglings overwriting my logic core for a moment before my automatic scans came back.
I had to run another just to make sure, but it too confirmed that neither of the younglings was injured in any way, in fact, both were operating at optimal condition.
"Hoist!" First Aids exuberant exclamation was followed by both of them dashing across the room to slide into me, sticky energon coated plating spreading the stuff across my frame. "Look!" Sticky fingers twined with mine as I was dragged across the room towards a workbench and now that my mind had settled down I could appreciate that we were in the energon processing plant, which would explain why there was so much of the stuff around.
And the reason for the younglings being covered in it was also apparent as I stared down at the bench they had dragged me to, both of them climbing up onto chairs so that they could see what they were doing.
"Ratchet showed us how to make them."
"They're very nice." I said diplomatically as I opened my comm. ::What are they?::
Ratchet's snicker echoed back across the line. ::I think they are meant to be mechs.::
Ah. Right. I think I could see that now, at least, sort of, the gummy energon body with an extra blob for a helm and strangely shaped limbs.
Groove grinned up at me. "Ratchet said you like copper ones so we made you with copper." I took the red coloured treat with a thank you as I tried not to laugh. They were just so serious about it all.
"Well?" First Aid prodded as they both watched me.
::Are they safe?:: I asked Ratchet, a first attempt to make energon treats could go wrong in so many ways.
In answer Ratchet merely held up another half eaten deformed mech, this one a silvery blue. ::Well, I taste quite nice.::

c: hoist, c: groove, c: ratchet, c: first aid, series: oath and covenant au

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