May 13, 2009 20:58
Damn, that show is good. Totally different from the stuff I normally like - I'm usually a shonen/shonen-y seinen kind of girl. I like Gurren Lagann, that sort of thing. Something with lots of action. Mushishi is so quiet and simple and unassuming. I was watching The Sound of Rust today (probably my favorite episode besides the flashback one with Nui) and it was just like, wow. I had to turn my speakers up just to hear, but it was so cool.
It's a good show to watch when you're depressed. I feel so mellow right now.
Ginko reminds me strangely of Kakashi. Or maybe not so strangely. Guy who is normally easy-going but occasionally serious when the situation calls for it, has white hair with one eye covered? If both series didn't start in 1999 I'd say it was a copycat.
I should probably finish writing up my application for Suigetsu at somarium, but fuck it. I'm almost done. I'll go watch another episode. My brain needs it.