May 11, 2009 19:54
That somarium place looks absolutely fascinating. I was wracking my brain trying to figure out who would be the best to roleplay there, if I was to do so, when it hit me like a ton of bricks - Aya Syameimaru. She has a great personality (and by great personality I mean "she's a meddling dick and compulsive liar"), she's fun to write (Sagato? TAIGA APAKATO!), I can express my love for Touhou with a character that won't be too bothered by the appearance of strange people and weird shit going on (isn't that just a normal day in Gensokyo...?) and FFFFFF AYA THOSE SHOES ARE AMAZING.
And what funky dream world wouldn't benefit from the tabloid full of whacky lies BASTION OF TRUTH, HONESTY, AND JOURNALISTIC INTEGRITY THAT IS THE BUNBUNMARU NEWSPAPER.