Fic: Meant to be (anything for you), rated E, Revolution

Apr 03, 2014 09:22

For some reason, crossposting from Dreamwidth is refusing to work for me, and I refuse to try and wrangle this minimonster for LJ, so if you're interested: my new fic at A03, the first biggish thing I've done for Revolution.

Title: Meant to be (anything for you)
Fandom: Revolution (A/U)
Rated: E/NC17 for language and sexuality
Characters/Pairings: Bass Monroe/Charlie Matheson; past Bass Monroe/Miles Matheson/Nora Clayton
Words: 5,897

Summary: Bass Monroe had been a soldier.  Then a cop.   Now he's a just a loser, so why is life throwing him a second chance with the very last person in the world he deserves?

Written for the Ava Rosier's Revo Redux Challenge.

ship: bass monroe/miles matheson/nora cl, ship: bass monroe/miles matheson, fandom: revolution, ship: bass monroe/charlie matheson

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