Days 16 and 17: ships and a fandom moment

Nov 19, 2013 19:55

 What are your favorite doomed ships? Ships that never were? Canon ships?

Favourite.  favourite, favourite, favourite.  Okay, I can breathe now :D

My favourite doomed ship has to be Angel/Buffy.  I mean, yes, maybe they had their cookies moment, but we certainly never saw it.  After the great sex of doom, then the day that never was, they simply never quite managed to be the lovers they were destined to be.  Oh, the angst!

Also, from a Australian prison drama called Wentworth, governor Erica and prisoner Frankie.  Because, yes, they had no chance of it ever working and the power dynamics were so screwed up, but oh. my. god the hotness. (See "One Fandom Moment" later in this bulletin ...

Ships that never were?  Oh, I have an armada of them.  Weevil and Veronica are, obviously, helming this one. Front and centre, ship of my heart, mercilessly torn from us before it could become more than possibility.

Movieverse Rogue and Wolverine.

Abby and Gibbs on NCIS, Ziva and Gibbs!  Hell, Ziva and Abby ...   On Angel, I quite fancied Cordelia and Gunn, or Fred and Gunn. And if we could call an ultimate crack crossovership a ship that never was ... Dean from Supernatural and Faith from BTVS.  I would just about sell my soul to see that on screen!  And I mostly blame my friend Merideath for putting the idea of Steve Rogers and Darcy Lewis into my head.  It hasn't claimed me body and soul yet, but it's interesting.

Canon ships - Mulder and Scully, Mulder and Scully, Mulder and Scully.  They made us wait aeons and it all happened offscreen (bastards) but it happened in the end.

Buffy and Angel, of course.  Willow and Oz AND Willow and Tara.  From the Marvelverse, Thor and Jane! Natasha and Clint, but also Natasha and Bruce.

Puck and Rachel from Glee. From Game of Thrones, I have a very soft spot for Jon Snow and Ygritte.  And last, but certainly not least, but just whispering because I don't want to jinx it ... Hale and Kenzi on Lost Girl, teetering on the edge of becoming canon as of last night's episode *squee*

Day 17: What song(s) always reminds you of that One Fandom Moment? (Link us to the musics!)

In the Australian prison drama Wentworth, prisoner Franky has been far from subtle in flirting with the former head of rehabilitation programs, recently appointed prison governor, Erica Davidson, but Erica has a long term partner in the picture and is ostensibly straight.  The tension between them might just have been the unequal power dynamics of the situation, and Franky's magnetic, if unsettling personality.  But then the fandom moment happens - we see Erica's side of the story, and it's freaking HOT.  And the song used in this vid was actually used on the show for the scenes shot in the fetish club ... steaminess.

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shipping, veronica mars, noblopomo2013, fandom, marvelverse ..., the x-files, glee, wentworth

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