Four Kingdom War (Extras)

Mar 09, 2010 14:17

This is just an 'extra' chapter. Read it if you want, but don't need to.

Title: Four Kingdom War
Fandom: Harry Potter
Rating and Warnings: PG-13 for language, sexual references, and some violence. MASSIVE AU, LIKE WHOA.
Summary: Like hell I'm writing that whole thing out again. All you need to know is: Draco and Harry are princes in an AU English history where the Hogwarts houses are kingdoms (and are at war with each other). They fall in love and a bunch of dramatic and tragic stuff happens. The end.
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter.
Pairings: Draco/Harry, Sirius/Remus, Ron/Hermione, Neville/Luna, Seamus/Ginny, Blaise/Pansy, Fred/Angelina, George/Katie, and some others I can’t think of right now.

Previous Chapters: Chapter One, Chapter Two

Extras: Several Letters of Various Importance

To James Potter from Lucius Malfoy, June 25th, 1634:

Majesty Potter, King of Gryffindor,

As it seems our sons have taken a liking to each other, I suggest a meeting to discuss the future of our two kingdoms. Perhaps a joint ownership would be possible? Draco and Harry would, I feel, be more comfortable this way.

Lucius Malfoy
King of Slytherin

To Lucius Malfoy from James Potter, June 27th, 1634:

Majesty Malfoy, King of Slytherin,

I’ve considered your offer, but think it best for our kingdoms to remain separate.

James Potter
King of Gryffindor

To Remus Lupin from Sirius Black, October 31st, 1634:

Dear Moony,

I’m afraid we have to cancel the visit for next month. James has just declared war against Slytherin and I’ve been asked to lead one of the regiments. I’m not very happy about this, as you can imagine. Harry is also most upset. He was good friends with some of the Slytherins. I hope to see you soon and apologize if I miss the next full moon. Keep your head down. I’m not sure how far this war will spread.


To Sirius Black from Remus Lupin, November 1st, 1634:

Dear Padfoot,

How could James be so rash? Slytherin is a powerful enemy to have. And poor Harry. Send him my condolences. Can’t you refuse to fight, Sirius? I don’t like the thought of you leading an army… Oh, don’t mind me. I’m just afraid I’ll never see you again and die alone with no purpose in life. Tell James I think he’s a ponce! Do be careful, Padfoot, I would be terribly put out if I lost you. I forgive you if you miss the next full moon & I’ll take your advice to heart & I still love you no matter how much you say you don’t deserve it.


To Draco Malfoy from Harry Potter, January 5th, 1635:

Mon Grand Vert,

Are you to be as silent as my father when it comes to our friendship? I haven’t heard from you in months. The war is a problem, but can’t we still write to each other? Please, don’t ignore me. I’ve been getting that enough at home.

Petit Rouge

There is no response.

To Ronald Weasley from Hermione Granger, February 14th , 1637:

Dear Ron,

My mother says I can’t see you anymore. She says Ravenclaw is joining the war and will probably support Slytherin. I don’t want this to happen. From what you’ve told me about Gryffindor, the thought of living in a kingdom engaged in war is frightening. Meet me at the willow tree on the border next Saturday. Don’t tell anyone.

Love from,

To Hermione Granger from Ronald Weasley, February 16th, 1637:

Dear Hermione,

Don’t worry. It’s not so bad… Okay, it is, but Ravenclaw will probably keep things together much better than Gryffindor. Hopeless duffers, we are. I’ll make sure to be at the willow, but I have to plant a distraction to get past Mum. Maybe Fred and George will help?


To Severus Snape from Remus Lupin, May 17th, 1641:

Dear Severus,

Surprised? I know I am. If you could possibly ignore past conflicts, I’d like to make a proposition. I’ve been given a mission by my king to make a trip to Slytherin for the purpose of allying our kingdoms. No offense to your home, but I’d rather not step foot there. Your king wouldn’t accept it if I deliver the message, anyway. I suggest you ‘advise’ him to send someone here with the same request. It would hurt his pride less.

Remus Lupin
Knight of Ravenclaw

To Remus Lupin from Severus Snape, May 18th, 1641:

Dear Lupin,

I am not surprised that you’re too cowardly to venture into Slytherin. Your proposition, however, is a good one and I will do as you ask. Do not think this is more than a one time thing. Writing to me again is not recommended.

Severus Snape
Royal Advisor of Slytherin

To Hestia Bones from Lily Potter, July 13th, 1643:

Dear Majesty Bones, Queen of Hufflepuff,

As our kingdoms have been secretly allies for several months now and because of our friendship before the war started, I wondered if you and family would like to attend my son’s 17th birthday party on the 31st. Susan and Harry have always got on and I was hoping to discuss more involvement between our kingdoms (and to actually have another girl to talk to!).

Lily Potter
Queen of Gryffindor

To Lily Potter from Hestia Bones, July 15th, 1643:

Majesty Potter, Queen of Gryffindor,

I would be most delighted to attend Harry’s party, as would my daughter! Susan is quite taken with your son. Who knows? Perhaps this visit will spark something between them! My husband, unfortunately, cannot attend. He apologizes and promises to come to the annual council next month. Best wishes to you and your family.

Hestia Bones
Queen of Hufflepuff

To Neville Longbottom from Harry Potter, November 24th, 1643:

Dear Neville,

How’s Trevor? He looked a bit sickly the last time you visited. Mind you, that was July… I wish my father weren’t so protective. I thought he’d start trusting my judgment after I turned seventeen. It’s not like you or your grandma are spies! You aren’t, are you? Anyway, I have a worry. My father is spending entirely too much money these days. It makes me wonder how the Gryffindor subjects are faring. Is everyone struggling as much as the Weasleys? Could you ask around and report back to me? I’d much appreciate it.

Fretting and Restless,

To Harry Potter from Neville Longbottom, November 27th, 1643:

Dear Prin- I mean Harry,

Trevor’s fine. He tried to eat some of my food at the party and it didn’t agree with him. As for asking around, that’s not so fine… Most people aren’t as bad as the Weasleys, but they’re still struggling. Even Gran and I have to work harder these days. Dean had to quit school and move back in with his Muggle parents because he can’t make enough money to afford his little house and go to school at the same time. I didn’t want to say anything at your party, but things have been going downhill for awhile. I know you don’t have the authority yet, but could you possiblely mention it to your father? I don’t know how much longer I can stay in school…

Just as Fretting and Restless,

To Fred and George Weasley from Harry Potter, January 13th, 1644:

Dear Fred and George,

I’m in need of assistance of the troublemaking kind. Forbidden Forest, west paddock, Sunday at 7 o’clock. A revolution is in the works. You in?

Disobediant and Loving It,

To Harry Potter from Fred and George Weasley, January 14th, 1644:

Dear Harry,

Of course we’re in! We’ll bring everything we can think of. The others can come as well, yes? We’ve already told Ron and Ginny. Not Percy. He’d report us, the prat. See you on Sunday! For the Revolution!

About Time, Mate,
Gred and Forge

To Oliver Wood from Harry Potter, March 4th, 1644:

Dear Oliver,

How’s the job going? I’m terribly sorry to ask you this, but would you mind leaving your team for a bit? Not for long! Stop scowling! The revolution, which I’m sure you’ve heard about, is progressing and I need a good leader for an aerial force. You’re one of the best flyers I know, so would you consider taking the job? I don’t expect you to have to actually fight, just cause trouble, but it would be advisable to practice your airborne dueling techniques. Send an owl with your answer and if it’s in the positive, I will give you the location of your training grounds. It’s mostly up to you who will be on your force.

Apologetic and Hopeful,

To Harry Potter from Oliver Wood, March 5th, 1644:

Dear Harry,

I admit, I don’t like leaving my team. However, I would be honored to lead an aerial force. I’ve already made a list of possible trainees. For the Revolution!

Excited and Encouraged,

To Draco Malfoy from Harry Potter, July 16th, 1644:

Dear Dragon,

I’ve considered, I’ve debated, and I’ve thought myself in circles. You said I wouldn’t be affected by our bond once we were out of range. Either you lied or it’s just my feelings for you driving me crazy. I want us to be together. As this is illegal, I’ve devised a solution. Queen Bones is going to put in a request for me to the Wizengamot to change the Law. Several people who oppose the Law are attending the trial to gain sympathy. This will take place on the 25th. No one but a select few know I’m involved. Do not attend the trial. Remain indifferent to the events that take place after the trial. Do not contact me. I apologize for… everything. You’ll find out soon enough. Hopefully we can see each other after all this is over.


As instructed, there is no response. There is, however, much worry and frustration.

* * *

Author's Notes: I would just like to say: thank GOD that I got an lj client that helps me do the html faster. And I hope you like it, of course.

harry potter, four kingdom war

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