What are you all reading at the moment?

Feb 28, 2010 19:38

I hope that this kind of post is okay!

I like this community, but I think that it suffers a bit from lack of posts - I'm assuming it's because none of us has the luxury to sit around and read all day, and I know that I personally do not read that fast in Japanese.

So I was wondering, what are you reading now? What books do you have lined up to read next?

I am currently reading the first volume (上) of ダンスダンスダンス by 村上春樹 - it's one of the only novels by him which I haven't read, and I only really buy books in 文庫 form (I have space issues) so I can't read 1Q84 yet!

Next I have:

真鶴 by 川上弘美
河童・或阿呆の一生 by 芥川龍之介
白痴 by 坂口安吾

lined up! I went on a mini book shopping spree, hehe.

So, what are you all reading/planning on reading?


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