Yoshitaka stars in drama series "Mioka" (Supporting Hayashi Keno Maya Miki)

May 13, 2010 11:00

Young actress Yuriko Yoshitaka (21) has landed her first starring role in a network television drama series. She will play the lead in NTV's "Mioka," based on a novel by author Ira Ishida.

Yoshitaka plays a university student named Mioka who has an incurable illness. The show depicts her "final love" with fellow student Taichi (Kento Hayashi) as well as her life at home with her mother (Miki Maya) and other family members.

The show begins shooting in early June, but will premiere sometime in July. NTV has scheduled it for Saturday nights at 9:00pm.


actress, actor, maya miki, drama, yoshitaka yuriko, hayashi kento

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