Stars Ken Watanabe, 51, and Rinko Kikuchi, 30, made an appearance at the Japan premiere of their new film “Shanghai” this week. The film, directed by Mikael Hafstrom and starring John Cusack, Gong Li and Chow Yun-Fat, is set on the eve of Japan’s attack on Pearl Harbor. Cusack is an American reporter drawn into a web of espionage. Watanabe plays a Japanese naval intelligence office and Kikuchi, in a bit part, a mystery woman being sought after by both sides.
Talking about his role, Watanabe said: “He isn’t the kind of guy you’d like to have in your house.” In the film, someone utters the line that “Men are romanticists,” and Watanabe was asked if he concurred. “I think men can be fools when it comes to romance. Romantics are deluded by many things. And I’m one of them.”
Kikuchi praised her co-star, saying: “Seeing the way Ken approaches a character or scene and explores many avenues was a good learning experience that will stay with me. He is an extremely remarkable person.”
“Shanghai” opens in Japan on Saturday.