Kanjani8’s TV program gets moved to golden time slot

Aug 18, 2011 20:50

On August 17th, it was revealed that Johnny’s Entertainment group Kanjani8 received a remarkable piece of news regarding their popularity on TV.

Their TV Asahi program “Kanjani no Shiwake8” will be moved to a golden time slot (7 PM to 10 PM) starting on September 10th. Their original broadcast period was on Wednesdays at 1:21 AM. Now, they’ll enjoy a new broadcast time of Saturday evenings at 7:54 PM. Their first episode in this new time slot will be a 2-hour special that begins at 6:58 PM. TV Asahi will broadcast this 2-hour special for two consecutive weeks to celebrate Kanjani8’s advancement.

Member Murakami Shingo (29) also announced that Kanjani8 will have their first dome tour as well. But he assured, “We will do our best so that this program will not be sorted out!”

Kanjan8 will begin initializing new segments such as “Johnny’s Ai Shiwake” and “Josei no Mitame Shiwake”. Member Nishikido Ryo (26), who likes the segment of “Benkyoukei Shiwake” (which shows the intelligence of the group), expressed his goal with, “I want to recover our image that Kanjani8 are not idiots!”.

Stay tuned to tokyohive for more updates!



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