Kitano Takeshi proposes to build nuclear plant in Tokyo Bay, openly criticizes the Prime Minister on

Apr 10, 2011 23:25

Popular TV host, multi-talent and genius Kitano “Beat” Takeshi definitely attracted a lot of attention with his show “Beat Takeshi no TV Tackle 3h Spring Special” that aired on TV Asahi on Sunday.

Kitano invited a couple of victims of the Great Tohoku Kanto Earthquake and the following incident at the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant on his show and carefully listened to their stories and opinions about the crisis management afterwards. He himself also had quite a few interesting thoughts to share with the viewers.

First of all he once again stated his idea of building a nuclear power plant in Tokyo Bay. Back in 1996 he already mentioned the same thing in his book “An Election Speech That is Sure to Make You Lose an Election“, but now it seems to be more fitting than ever.

He commented, “Isn’t it strange that the capital of Japan is using the energy of the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant, yet it’s the prefecture of Fukushima and the local citizens that have to deal with the risks? The people living in Tokyo shouldn’t really have any complaints if we were going to build a plant in Tokyo Bay. They say it’s bad to build one in an urban center, but wouldn’t it be bad anywhere in case of an earthquake?”

The guests on his show also complained about the government being too slow and too late with their help in many regions. In general the crisis management of the government seems to be a bit unorganized. Even the staff of the show revealed their personal stories after the recording and the relatives they lost due to the earthquake and tsunamis, but also their anger about the whole situation afterwards.

“All they care about is the number of dead and missing people crossing the 20,000, but why don’t they start to think about the all the relatives and friends of those 20,000 people who all lost a precious someone at the same time,” one member of the staff bitterly expressed after the show.

After listening to all those stories, Kitano openly criticized the leadership qualities of Prime Minister Kan Naoto. He said, “The biggest problem I have is the fact that a leader of a country is supposed to go out their and show everyone that he is ‘taking responsibility’ in times like this, yet that very thing is not happening at all.”

Even if there are various things that could be improved, even if many people still lack proper help and support from the government, people should be careful not to lose hope.

At the very beginning of the show Kitano himself addressed his viewers with a serious look and the encouraging words, “Don’t give up.”


kitano takeshi, earthquake/tsunami, television

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