"Bakusho! Dainippon Akan Keisatsu," a variety show by comedy duo Downtown, is getting a regular slot during golden time, starting this April. The show has previously been aired three times as special programs in 2009 and 2010, but now it will be broadcast weekly on Sunday nights at 8:00pm (Fuji TV).
The last time that the duo had a show in that time slot was 14 years ago, when their "Downtown no Gottsu Ee Kanji" came to an end after a six-year run.
"Bakusho! Dainippon Akan Keisatsu" features Downtown's Masatoshi Hamada as police chief and Hitoshi Matsumoto as commissioner, in charge of detectives played by various guest comedians. The detectives investigate hilariously absurd cases, such as reports of a "washing machine making sounds like moaning." Ideas for the cases are generally submitted by the show's viewers.