Actress Hitomi Kuroki (49) is set to star in a new movie by television director Yoshiko Hoshida, titled "Utahime☆." The film will have her playing a "rocker mama" role, which includes a scene of her and her band performing a rendition of the famous song "Smoke on the Water" by British band Deep Purple.
Kuroki plays the part of Mieko, a housewife who is troubled by her husband's apathy and her daughter's hikikomori lifestyle. She decides to form a band with two other housewives, played by Miki Maya (46) and comedian Shizuyo Yamasaki (31), plus an oddball divorcee, played by Tae Kimura (39). The film follows their ups and downs until their performance of "Smoke on the Water" at a school festival.
Kuroki's character is in charge of the guitar and vocals. Starting at the end of July, Kuroki began guitar training under the guidance of a professional musician, and she is said to have heavily practiced the guitar on her own at home. Maya, Yamasaki, and Kimura have also been training for their respective instruments.
"Utahime☆" is planned for theatrical release in early summer 2011.