So my peoples I'm off to Minas Gerais tomorrow (Tuesday) and I shall be back on Friday. It should be cool Minas Gerais is this historical state that's very important to brazilian history. The food there is rumoured to be really good, so that sounds fun. I actually have to wake up at 5:30 am tomorrow but I'm too lazy to go to bed, does that make any sense? Anyways my insomnia caused me to update my journal thingymajiggy.
Well although I wanted more than friendship, that didn't seem to work out. I have no choice but to settle for that. Its fair on my part. I was hurting myself from the beginning by going after a taken guy. To be fair I didn't know he was taken when I started liking him.
I miss Eric like crazy sometimes, I heard the song "Leaving on a Jet Plane" and I remembered him and the moment when he had to leave me. I felt like crying then. I'm weird when it comes to crying. I don't cry when people die because i immediately accept that death is just a part of life. But I do cry for many other things. Someone today made me promise not to cry, I hope I can keep that promise. It'll be hard at first but it should become easier.
Anywho today was Talk Like a Pirate Day (September 19th) but I forgot about it this year. But next year man!!! ARRR MATEYS!! SHIVER ME TIMBERS!!! YE FILTHY LANDLUBBERS WILL TASTE TEH PIRATENESS OF DOOM OF THEE HERE CAP'N NANA OF TEH SPLOOSHIES!! (me btw)
Here's a random pirate kitty in the spirits of today's occasion!!
Btw if ye wanna get into the pirate spirit, listen to "Weird Beard" by the Mad Caddies!! Awesome and I adore that band!! SO LISTEN YE SCURVY FRAGGINJAPS!!
Peace out,
P.S. I'll put up some pictures soon hopefully!! On the trip and the artwork I've been doing lately!! I know yer all excited!! w00t!!