A lil Survey crap thingie

Sep 10, 2005 12:48

Something I copied off of Sammi's LJ, heck I'm bored and GW-deprived....

*411 Ab0ut Me 411*
Name- Janice Sarah Rowan Araujo
Nickname- Jany, JayJay, Jan, Jay, JanICE (call me that and I keel thee and that includes any of the following; Ice Ice Baby, Vanilla Ice, or just Ice)
Loc- sofa, wireless rules!!
Sch0oL- Graded School of Sao Paulo (aka Hell on Earth)
B*daii- 03/01/88
Sex- Female!

* Fav0rites *
CoLor- Blue and Green
s0ng- Iris by teh Goo Goo Dolls
CD- Disney Classics!!
w0rd- biznatch
Name- Aeris. ::pets teh kitten::
Subject- Art and languages, I like biological sciences too
Fo0d- PASTA!! Japanese food rules too
h0liday- Umm Carnaval! Since its a week-long national holiday
FeeLing- LURVE!!!!!
Thing- I am NOT a material girl!! Shut up Moofy!!! >.<
amusment- Video game, drawing and being silly.

* Friends *
best friends- Lollypop (Lauren), Susan, Mylene, Iyo, Lina, Lisa, Vivi, Sammi, Liz, Krissy, Emil, teh boyz (Alex, Paul, Erik, etc) and there's more but I'm lazy.
Loudest 0ne- Me I think, but I probably tie with Mylene
bLondest- .... I refuse to dignify this question with an answer since I'm the blonde of my posse....
FunnieSt- They're all hilarious really
RandomEst- Sammi, Mylene, Liz and teh Moofy
Easiest Amused- hehe that would be Emil
m0st Attitude- Sammi and Susan
m0st Mature- Iyo and Lisa (the asians XD)
Meanest- Liz and Sammi (they make fun of me hair ;_;)
UgLiest- for the sake of friendship I'll keep quiet
Perdiest- Iyo and Lina
m0st Ann0ying- Krissy and Alex

* ReLationships *
b0yfriend- N/A
L0ve him- Eric
Crush- Yeah ye know who ye are
Fighting- errr I'm good for now
Miss Him- Eric
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