Mar 04, 2010 02:58
I canceled my cell phone today because I was sick of people bitching at me for not answering/returning their calls. (as well as paying over $90/month for shitty service)
People get so goddamn emo over phone calls and/or text messages, it's really quite funny.
I talk to people on the phone for a living and find it annoying as fuck. To me it comes as no surprise that I, let alone anyone, wouldn't want to do what they do for a living when they're off the clock, but I wouldn't expect anyone to understand that (empathy is a rare thing these days).
I haven't been a chef for well over 3 years and I still don't enjoy preparing food, even if it's just for myself.
Let's say you make your living setting puppies on fire. Let's also assume that there is absolutely nothing wrong with doing such a thing. Would you want to continue setting puppies on fire when you get home from work? I didn't think so. (In before "you're missing the point")
I know for a fact that I'm not the only "weirdo" who doesn't enjoy talking on the phone. Shame on me for not wanting to devote 100% of my attention to a single person for an indeterminate amount of time, right? Right.
Die (again), Alexander Graham Bell. Die in a fire.